Infidelity should not be related to only physical behaviour. When you're in a committed relationship, you have to be faithful physically and emotionally.
Cheating is arguably the most heinous relationship crime you could commit. You’re being unfaithful to the one you supposedly love. But sex isn’t the only way to cheat.
Emotional cheating is more common than you think. For example, if you feel more emotionally connected and closer to someone else than your own partner, you’re probably emotionally cheating on your partner already. I think we can all agree that romantic infidelity is the worst kind of cheating. This one isn’t just about sex, but about love, investing time in someone in else, and completely turning your back on your partner. Yes, some relationships aren’t meant to last, but when you fall in love with someone else, you owe it to your partner to break it off and save them any further humiliation.
Let's think about flirting as well. Of course, noone can be harmed by flirting a little, especially if both partners have agreed that "talking without touching" is ok. But, if you want to flirt with others all of the time, something's wrong in your relationship.
Social media have worsened the situation, since we are now able to flirt every time of the day by hitting the "like" button on Facebook. Nowadays, people have so many options, so they forget their priorities. That's why some people claim that modern relationships are hard. They're not. We just can't stand the idea that we're independent but, still, we have to make a choice.
Sure, sex is cheating and may be the most hurtful case, but have you ever stopped to think you're being cheated out of your relationship every day? The thing with physical infidelity, as painful as it obviously can be in so many ways, is that it can sometimes (at least in theory) be reasoned away as a temporary lapse in control over one's impulses. But when it comes to emotional affairs, it's hard to fall back on the "mistake" narrative.
Cheating is not about the physical act of sex. Cheating is about lies, deceit, and betrayal. A cheater is not simply defined as someone who is intimate with a person who is not his/her primary partner.
We experience a lack of communication, attention, passion, intimacy and even lack of love. Why are we okay with this and all the communication shortcuts that have become so common?
Sometimes, you're being unfaithful to your partner, even if there's noone else you think about. You're being unfaithful, because you don't appreciate them anymore, because they're not "the one". So if you're staying in a relationship that does not fulfil you, you're not faithful. Believe it or not, hiding the truth is as bad as lying. It's just immature.
What you need to remember is that cheating, emotional or physical, doesn't happen in happy relationships. Noone deserves to be in an unhappy relationship, neither the cheater nor the cheated one. So, try to be faithful and honest to your partner and, most of all, to yourself. That's the only way to save your relationship.
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