There has been fury amongst animal lovers after a dog was seen spray painted to look like a tiger. The picture of the dog was posted online after it was spotted on the streets of Malaysia and the image soon went viral as people vented their outrage.
The picture was then posted on the Facebook page of The Malaysian Animal Association asking for information on who the owners are and who it was that committed the horrible act. They have also put up a reward for information.
"Help Animal Malaysia find out the location and who the dog belongs to. Mystery gift awaits anyone who comes forward with complete information if it's in this country."
While some people sadly found the picture funny, others pointed out the dangers of a dog being painted in such a way. Firstly, the dog may be mistaken for a tiger and shot at by farmers or by other members of the public. Although tiger numbers are small in Malaysia, estimated to be around 200, at night-time or at a great distance, the dog may still be mistaken for one and cause fear and alarm. Secondly, the spray paint used to cover the dog's fur is likely toxic. If the dog is to lick their coat, the toxic paint may enter their system, it may even leak into the dog's system by seeping through their skin.
Unfortunately, stray dogs are a common occurrence in the country, where the warm climate makes it possible for them to live outside and breed in large numbers. Thankfully, some animal rights groups do try and find them homes. By virtue of living outside, these dogs are often hit by cars and have even been poisoned by malicious parties.
It is hoped that the dog will be tracked soon and that it can receive the medical attention it requires. It is also hoped that the sick perpetrators are severely dealt with by the authorities.