Love is simple; relationships; on the contrary, it's an entirely different thing. True love can be experienced by mature people, who are trying to find love in itself; on the other hand, the drama is reserved for immature individuals, who are only interested in a good story.
Let's go through 10 differences between mature and immature relationships:
1.You don't want to change your partner.
In a mature relationship, changing your partner is something you would never want to happen to you. It's okay to ask him not to throw his dirty socks in the corner and not to use your razor. But wanting to change or correct your partner shouldn't be your goal. They may not be perfect, but they shouldn't be.
2.Jealousy is out of the picture.
In a mature relationship, the man can have female friends, and the woman can have male friends without them ending yelling at each other. Each partner is safe in the other's devotion and has no unfounded concern for infidelity or dishonesty.
3.You do not need to be in constant contact.
Part of a mature relationship is the realization that each person has their own life, separate from the other. It would be amazing for you if your partner were watching football with his friends while you were out with your friends. Being together all the time or constantly texting each other is just not possible, and that's okay.
4.You spend quality time together.
Your time with your partner should be quality and not quantitative. It doesn't matter how much time you spend with your partner. The most important thing is that this time is quality. For example, there is a huge difference between having dinner with your partner at a table and talking about how your day was, compared to having dinner with your partner while sitting on a couch watching the last episode of a trash TV program.
5.Showing your love is more important than expressing it in words.
In the early stages of a relationship, it is essential to express how you feel about each other. But gradually, it's more important to show your partner how you feel. Showing your partner that you love him with your daily actions, in contrast to words, undoubtedly indicates a more mature relationship.
6.You are mentally and physically coordinated.
This may sound as if it comes to sex, but it's not. It has more to do with getting to know a person so well, and have developed such a relationship with him that his slightest movement can be predicted or you can finish each other's sentence. It has to do with the fact that your partner has become your extension in a healthy way.
7.You have a healthy sexual relationship.
Your sexual relationship is also fundamental in cultivating a beautiful and mature relationship. Your relationship is strong and passionate, and you feel connected with each other. You both keep your sex life alive and interesting.
8.You don't make comparisons.
Unfortunately, there is a tendency to compare our lives and relationships with the lives and relationships of other people. But the happiest couples don't seem to care about what others do. They only care to be well in their relationship, full of happiness, and in harmony with their partner. It is their life after all, and they need to live it as they dream.
9.You don't fight; you discuss your problems.
In a mature relationship, you do not quarrel with insults and ugly characterizations. Instead, they discuss when the tension is gone, so that they can better communicate their needs and everything they feel. This means that both sides are talking about resolving a dispute with love and mutual respect, listening to each other without building walls, or becoming aggressive.
10.You put joint effort.
Last but not least important is reciprocity in the effort. In a mature relationship, you both have to make a mutual effort to "meet" somewhere in the middle. Beautiful relationships need work, both to be created and to be maintained, so both should be prepared to make the same effort, as it is known that "it takes two to tango."