The female octopus is a vivid symbol of a sacrificial mother. After she lays her eggs, she doesn’t leave them, even to look for food. The octopus mother will get ready to eat her tentacle if she has to while protecting her children from predators. All moms love their kids whether they’re humans or animals.
Bright Side wants to show you some cute photos of animal moms that will make you melt and want to hug your mom.
All moms have their parenting methods.

And they’re all inseparable from their kids.

They want to hide them from adversity.
Sometimes a mom can be a pillow...
...and sometimes she’s more like a playground.
All mothers enjoy the moment when kids sleep.
And they endure their bad behavior.

Babies’ laughter is a present for moms.
Embed from Getty ImagesThey appreciate care...
...and each kiss and hug makes them feel happy.
Moms share with a child all the good...
...and all the bad moments.
Embed from Getty ImagesMothers lead her kids to new heights.

But they never leave their sides.
She is an example to follow.
And she also provides reliable support.
Motherhood is hard work.
And because moms do it well...
...kids can be relaxed!
Not to mention playful and carefree.

© igor shpilenok / livejournal
A mom is defined as love and protection.
Embed from Getty ImagesPreview photo credit igor shpilenok / livejournal, Shutterstock.com