There are 6,500 languages spoken actively today. They seem many but they are too few compared to the 94,000 languages that have existed through the ages and haven't been spoken for ages. It's always good to learn new words and I think this can help you love more languages.
1) Philotimo
Philotimo is a Greek noun translating to "love of honor". Philotimo is considered to be the highest of all Greek virtues which determines and regulates how someone should behave in their family and social groups. It is mostly about respect and doing the right thing. In its simplest form it means "doing good", and it ensures your behavior will make you stand out from others.
2) Nostalgia
Nostalgia is a sentimentality for the past, typically for a period or place with happy personal associations. The word nostalgia is a learned formation of a Greek compound, consisting of nóstos, meaning "homecoming", a Homeric word, and álgos, meaning "pain, ache", and was coined by a 17th-century medical student to describe the anxieties displayed by Swiss mercenaries fighting away from home.
3) Acropolis
An acropolis is a settlement, especially a citadel, built upon an area of elevated ground—frequently a hill with precipitous sides, chosen for purposes of defense. In many parts of the world, acropolis became the nuclei of large cities of classical antiquity, such as ancient Rome, and for this reason they are sometimes prominent landmarks in modern cities with ancient pasts, such as modern Rome.
4) Genesis
Genesis is a Greek word which is translated as the origin or coming into being of something; it can be the birth of a child or, used metaphorically, the beginning of something.
5) Filoxenia
"Hospitality" is the official translation of filoxenia, but it doesn't adequately describe it. Filoxenia, that literally means "love of strangers," is a generosity of spirit, a joyful kind of the-best-of-what's-mine-is-yours attitude in which Greeks take great pride as a defining attribute.
6) Psychopomp
Psychopomps are creatures, spirits, angels, or deities in many religions whose responsibility is to escort newly deceased souls from Earth to the afterlife.
7) Mythopoeic
Mythopoeic means pertaining to the making of myths, or giving rise to myths.
8) Hierosgamos
Hierosgamos is a holy marriage between a god and a goddess.
9) Sipapu
Sipapu is a small tunnel or inter-dimensional passage.
10) Oneiromancy
Oneiromancy is divination or predicting the future through dreams.
11) Yonic
Yonic is a stylized representation of the female genitalia. In Hinduism, it is a sign of regenerative power and symbolizes the goddess Shakti.

12) Hiraeth
Hiraeth is a welsh word meaning homesickness for a place that never existed.
13) Paracosm
Paracosm is a highly detailed world created inside someone’s mind.
14) Petrichor
Petrichor is the small of the earth after it rains.
15) Ataraxia
Ataraxia is a state of robust tranquility from eschewing faith in an afterlife. It also means not fearing gods.
16) Sambhogakaya
Sambhogakaya is a "subtle body of limitless form". Both "celestial" Buddhas such as Bhaisajyaguru and Amitābha, as well as advanced bodhisattvas such as Avalokiteśvara and Manjusri can appear in an "enjoyment-body".
17) Chthonic
Chthonic is the interior of the Earth from the Greek word khthonios.
18) Palimpsest
Palimpsest is the page of a manuscript or book where text has been scraped or washed off.
19) Empyrean
Empyrean is the highest part of heaven where gods and angels live.
20) Hypnagogia
Hypnagogia is the transitioning state from sleeping to awake.
21) Meraki
Meraki is the soul, creativity, or love put into something; the essence of yourself that is put into your work.
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Thanks for sharing this list! None of them is known by me. It is so interesting to learn new words but the most exciting things are their meanings that are unpredictable just like the methods showcased in this article: "Presenting Your Solution in a B2B Sales Meeting – A Map for Success"