Many people tend to make their lives harder than what they actually are. This happens because they're constantly analyzing things more than enough.
As we grow older, this problem starts becoming bigger. It's true that when we were kids or even teenagers, we used to find life easier than what it seems now. This is logical, if you consider that a young person doesn't think too much, he is more spontaneous and also has many dreams and goals. In other words, he's full of life! As years pass, he faces difficulties, he realizes he can't accomplish all of his goals and, as a result, he becomes more pessimistic.
An older person can also realize that he has to be more responsible. This means he has to get up earlier, to eat healthier, to work more and more, to stop drinking that much etc. As a matter of fact, life gets harder - in one way.
However, we shouldn't complain about everything, if we can actually do something to improve things. And, when things can't get better, then we can just accept it and find a solution for another problem!
1) Ask yourself to find the right answers
Stop asking others what is wrong and what is right! It is you who can give the best answers to your questions. We've had enough by the pressure of society: what to eat, what to drink, how to dress and everything! Sometimes we get lost in trying to live for someone else, trying to meet their expectations, and doing things just to impress them. But that should stop. Ask yourself and think for yourself. Remember your own goals. This will make you much happier than following the others.
2) Keep toxic people out of your life
I know it's very hard to end a lasting relationship with someone. But unfortunately, some people are just not right for us. If you stay in a relationship just because you are afraid of putting an end, then you only do serious damage to yourself and you feelings. So, find the courage to change. If a person disregards your emotions and treats you in a harmful way, then you don't need them in your life. Make room for people who deserve your love!
3) Stop being a drama queen
Honestly, you need to stop adding misery to your life pretending (even to yourself!) that everything goes wrong. Don't make problems bigger that what they actually are. Think about it. There are people all over the world who are in a much more difficult situation than yours - and they still struggle to make it. Why should you keep on whining?
4) Try to trust other people
There is no reason to be afraid of others. If you are constantly thinking that others might want to hurt you or insult you or steal what you have, then you might need to calm down and try to think again. Why should everyone be against you? Don’t take things too personally, because you make your relationship with other people harder. They're not envious monsters; they're people just like you. Try to get to know them better!
5) Believe in yourself
This should be linked with the previous advice. Lack of confidence is the main reason why you tend to suspect people. You need to trust yourself in order to trust others. Look in the mirror and repeat: I'm a wonderful person who can love and be loved. Do that everyday. Then you'll eventually believe it.
6) Be more generous
If you are too much of a taker, you need to understand that happiness can be found in what we give more than in what we get. Doing good for other people will help you deal with your stress. Life is better when we share it with others. Don't be afraid to offer - not only things but also feelings! There are two types of people in this world. There are givers and there are takers. Givers are happy. Takers are still unhappily wondering what’s in it for them.
7) Don't be afraid to fall
The world can be a difficult place. You may experience suffering, heartbreak and loss. These circumstances can take a toll on your happiness, but do not lose hope. In suffering, you can find great strength, in heartbreak you can find resilience, and in loss you can find a renewed appreciation for life. Opposites are interdependent and interconnected. You can’t completely shield yourself from sadness without also shielding yourself from happiness. And, if you fall, you can always get up!
8) Try again
There is no easy way to success. You need to try the best you can. Some people are afraid of trying because they're afraid of failure. However, you are the one who knows what your goals are. If you truly want something to happen, then go for it - or else it'll never become true. Remember what Bukowski said: "If you're going to try, go all the way. Otherwise don't even start".
9) Forgive others, forgive yourself
All human beings make mistakes. That does not mean they're unforgivable. Forgiveness is a power you need to use. I'm not only talking about forgiving others. You need to forgive yourself too. We need to learn from our errors and move forward. A happy, successful life, after all, is not a life absent of problems, but one that’s been able to rise above them.
10) Seize the day
Instead of sitting at home complaining about how your future will be and how your past will be, do something better: seize the day! If you focus on every point in time other than now, then you need to realize that you can’t change yesterday, but you can ruin today by worrying about tomorrow. Be present. Tomorrow will reveal itself exactly as it should, just as yesterday already has. You just need to make today as beautiful as possible!

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