A couple have brandished a handgun and an AR-15 assault rifle at Black Lives Matter protestors that broke into their gated compound and made their way outside their palatial mansion home in St. Louis, Missouri.
While the BLM activists did enter private ground, they did not at any time attempt to go near the couple, threaten the couple or enter their home. The couple have been identified as wealthy personal injury lawyers Patricia McCloskey, 61 and Mark McCloskey, 63. Their home is believed to be worth several millions of dollars and has appeared in publicity shots for the couple taken by Alise O'Brien:

In a tense stand-off with protestors, some of whom were carrying signs saying 'eat the rich' Mrs. McCloskey aims her weapon at them while in an irate state, her finger is clearly on the trigger. Police were soon on the scene. The incident thankfully dissipated without any violent confrontation or the guns being used.
A couple has come out of their house and is pointing guns at protesters in their neighborhood #StLouis #lydakrewson pic.twitter.com/ZJ8a553PAU
— Daniel Shular (@xshularx) June 29, 2020
God the other angle didn’t even do couple in St. Louis justice. She came down looking for an excuse to shoot someone.pic.twitter.com/EZ1KH6HvlD
— Joshua Potash (@JoshuaPotash) June 29, 2020
Rich white folx in CWE big mad when you come by unannounced.
— The #2 Rude Boy (@AaronWBanks) June 29, 2020
I’m not supposed to be used to people pointing guns at me. I would waste time debating the legality of all this but she would never get prosecuted anyway. #ResignLyda #STL #Sunday #StandYourGround #CastleDoctrine pic.twitter.com/YuFisV47Dt
Missouri has a 'stand your ground' law, which gives citizens the right to use guns to defend themselves if they believe their safety is in danger.
The BLM protestors were apparently on their way to the home of Mayor Lyda Krewson, which sits in the same vicinity as the home of the McCloskeys. The Mayor has been under pressure to resign after she revealed the names and identities of citizens who had contacted her demanding defunding of the police in the city.
She made the gaff, over which she has now apologised, during a Facebook update – she states that it was not an intentional act to harm or 'doxx' protestors. She said:
"I'd like to apologize for identifying individuals who presented letters to me at City Hall today. This was during one of my Facebook updates as I was answering routine questions. Never did I intend to harm anyone or cause distress. The update is removed and again, I apologize."
I’d like to apologize for identifying individuals who presented letters to me at City Hall today. This was during one of my Facebook updates as I was answering routine questions. Never did I intend to harm anyone or cause distress. The update is removed and again, I apologize.
— Mayor Lyda Krewson (@LydaKrewson) June 27, 2020
While some online praised the couple for defending their property, others saw them as overreacting to people who did not know who they are nor had any intention of causing them violent harm. Memes soon appeared online making fun of the couple. One playing up to the new 'Karen' meme. A take on individuals (usually white) who act in a privileged, obnoxious or inappropriate manner.