Are you a romantic soul who believes that somewhere out there, there is one and only, your soulmate, your other half, the prince of the fairy tales?
Let's be a little more realistic while maintaining a romantic mood. It is utopian to believe that you will find a prince who will be perfect, will always treat you well, will agree to everything, and will live happily ever after!
But it is not at all unrealistic to find someone who you know from the beginning is valuable to you! Once they enter your life, you will understand it, as without you or them doing anything, they will start to become necessary for you! A person with whom you instinctively associate with intense mental contact. And if this one ends up becoming your partner, then the relationship that is created is very special, we could say magical!

But how do you know that you have found this one and only?
Here are 10 signs to help yourself understand it:
1. You communicate without having to talk.

Words don't matter anymore; it's as if you are one mind. You can communicate your thoughts and feelings with just a glance or a gesture. You have your own "language" that nobody else can understand.
2. You feel completely comfortable in front of them. You are yourself.
They've seen you at your best and your worst and liked you anyways. You don't need to pose or wear a mask, you are yourself with them, and vice versa, and that's just amazing!
3. You feel like you've known him for years—your whole life.
They've seen you at your best and your worst and liked you anyways. You don't need to pose or wear a mask, you are yourself with them, and vice versa, and that's just amazing!
4. You are becoming a better version of yourself.

You share a connection, an intimacy, but not only these. You share memories and feelings; you can't remember your life without them.
5. You believe that you can do everything as long as they're by your side.
Every day you find yourself trying to be better not to keep them satisfied, but because they believe in you and your powers, they support your dreams, and they admire you. That's why you're rising, you're blooming in love, and you become better every day.
6. You may not agree on everything, but you see eye-to-eye on important issues.
Because they believe in you, you feel stronger. You know that if you fall, they'll be there to catch you, and that's why you feel like you can conquer the world as long as they are beside you!
7. Your home is no longer a place; it's a person.
After meeting them, you realized that you could get homesick of people too. Home changed from being a place to being a person, and that feels just right.
8. You both see a future together.

You talk about the future, your future together. You never wonder if you fit into their plans, you are already part of them. You are planning your life together.
9. You are both putting the same effort into the relationship.
You don't count what you're giving. Both of you want this relationship to work and put all your effort into achieving it. There is no "I" and "You" there is only "WE."
10. You feel safe together.

You don't find yourself wondering about their feelings or questioning their love. You trust them, and they trust you. This feeling of safety has been with you since the very beginning of your relationship and never left.