These days, it's hard to find somebody you can trust – and you can’t walk around with a lot of money in your bag as there are people that could snatch the bag away so easily!
However, a lady in Malaysia recently went viral for confidently walking down the street after getting money from the bank, as her bag is carried by no less than her pet Rottweiler! No thief would try to take the bag away from that dog, huh?

In Malaysia, there'd been a lot of instances of riding in tandem on board motorcycles, lurking near banks or around corners, awaiting those that are a bit careless with their stuff. Many Malaysians have taken to wearing backpacks in front of their bodies instead of their backs. They're also using bags that are harder to take, such as the ones with slings.
However, for one lady, a purse is alright – as long as you've got your pet Rottweiler with you!

On Twitter page MyWatch, a woman could be seen walking out of the bank and followed by a black Rottweiler carrying her purse in its mouth. Though the purse was rather small and easy to take by somebody on a motorcycle, nobody would surely dare snatch this purse from the Rottweiler’s mouth!
The dog followed the lady across the street; both walked with confidence. Nobody is going take anything from them both – that is for sure.

With Rottweilers being large dogs and known for being fierce, only a fool would ever attempt to take the purse away!

Here is the video:
Kalau anda mahu elakkan diri dari diragut tiru cara wanita ini. 😁 pic.twitter.com/7B9seFBOgf
— MyWatch (@My_CrimeWatch) October 9, 2019