You’ve most likely met someone who says that they “hate people,” “don’t like people,” “think people are stupid,” or some variant of that. Humans are social creatures, so how is it possible that some people “hate” all others? Do these people really mean what they say?
A week ago I was sitting outside the Westin San Antonio on the River Walk after a conference with three engaging folks. Someone mentioned that they did not like people, and we all agreed that generally, we did not like most people. An awkward silence ensued – if none of us liked “people,” what were we doing sitting around with people? Were we not enjoying the discussion and the company? I quickly made a point to say something to the effect of, “I don’t like most people, I should say that. Because I am enjoying sitting here with you all.” Everyone agreed, and we moved on with the conversation.
This discussion got me thinking though – of the four people in the discussion, all of us were educated and worked in areas that required working with others. I teach college and interact with students, other faculty, and staff all day long, not to mention the fact that I am married (to a person) and have friends (who are people). I realized that the statement “I don’t generally like other people” means something other than what the words represent (otherwise, what am I doing?).
After years of introspection, observation, and education in psychology, I have come to a conclusion. It’s not that we (myself included in this group) don’t like most other people. Instead, people who state this have very high expectations for other people. Realistic or not, these expectations guide their interactions with others. As you can imagine, most people (the ones we don’t like) don’t measure up to these high expectations.
What is it then that we are expecting? In all honesty, we are expecting a miracle – we want others to understand us, to recognize our moods and interact with us accordingly, to know what we believe to be appropriate for certain situations (and behave accordingly), to know what we’re interested in and discuss it intelligently with us (because we are knowledgeable about it, or at least believe we are), and to think about things in the same way that we do. With all these expectations, I literally cannot understand how it is that someone with these views DOES find people that they “like.” Thinking about myself (and others) in this way, I wonder, “How the hell do I have friends? How did I get married for God’s sake?” I think the answer to this comes in the development of these expectations.
As we grow up, our personalities are influenced by both genetics and our environment. We find certain likes and dislikes, or maybe we’re taught them; either way, we have them. We interact with others, and those interactions can be positive, negative, or somewhere in between (or different for each interaction). We got off into the world and inspect others based on what we have learned is “right.” We’re told by society and our parents that we’re supposed to have friends and people that like us (and vice versa). For the group of “people haters,” it is possible that their experiences with others were more negative than positive – they started off with high hopes for others (that were learned through childhood and adolescence), but found most others soundly “lacking” in meeting their expectations. They began to form a “schema” or mental representation that others do not meet their standards. This view isn’t conscious, we’re not aware that we have high standards and that others aren’t reaching them. But we’re aware that “something’s not right.” That something translates into a view that “I cannot expect others to meet my expectations,” which could then translate into “I don’t like most people.”
So if this is the case, that people have created this view of disliking most others throughout their lifetimes, how do they have friends? How do they get married? I’ll tell you – they find each other. In my observations, most people who don’t like people have friends who…don’t like most people. My husband and I connected on this very issue. When you meet others who feel similarly, you recognize that “I don’t have faith in people” very quickly. You start talking about friends and realize that both of you have few of them. And people who “don’t like people” are typically standoffish about creating friendships. While they may have many acquaintances (who they may not really “like”), they have few friends. But typically they “mate for life,” meaning that once they have a close friend they work very hard to maintain that friendship.
The question then becomes how do they “get” friends? The answer – very carefully. “People haters” are typically standoffish at first, and weary of quick emotional connections. They are always watching others for signs that this person is “not like them.” But a “people hater” is also very astute as to what the other wants – refer back to The Miracle List. So if you want to make and keep a friend, as a “people hater,” you listen. You engage in dialogue. You remember what the other likes and do it for them/give it to them. Essentially, you demonstrate to them that you are “worthy” of friendship by being The Miracle.
So what have we learned about the person who says they “hate people?” We’ve essentially learned that they have high expectations of others, so high that their expectations are difficult to meet. They’re standoffish because yes, they are evaluating you for your worthiness. If you “pass the test,” you’ll know because they will lower their guard and may tell you about the negative experiences that they have had that have led them to where they are.
As a “people hater,” I feel that this writing has put them in a positive light, but in all honesty I believe that their expectations are so high that they cause their own pain, suffering, depression, and negativity. Most of their expectations for others cannot even be met by themselves, yet they still maintain them and evaluate others’ worthiness based on them. Is this right? The only answer to this is, “This is,” meaning that it occurs. Right or wrong, people have these experiences; they hold these expectations. They evaluate themselves and others based on these expectations. With this knowledge, you are better able to understand what you and others mean when they say, “I hate people.”
Source: The Minds Journal
I guess for me, and I have given much thought to this, I am usually enamored with the individual person or a smallish group. I believe if we really tune in to those around us we can all learn from one another. Everyone has a unique experience set, and in that if you can learn to tune in on his/her level and really listen then you're bound to learn something even if it is a small thing. I try to keep an open mind, opened ears, and a closed mouth for this very reason. I share always and often but I take time to listen. People in mass, on the other hand, get on my nerves. I believe group think and what I call the "sheep syndrome" really gets in the way of John Q. Public. If we can peel one or a handful from the masses then we can have meaningful exchange. I have to say though, watching millions follow one off of a cliff irks me to my core.
ReplyDeleteAs a fellow 'people hater' I was with you right until this statement: I believe that their expectations are so high that they cause their own pain, suffering, depression, and negativity. I am not in pain, suffering, depressed or negative. I simply prefer to be with a select few people and am very happy in my life.
ReplyDeleteI think there is more to the story. A lot of people haters have come to this not so much from what they learned but how people have treated them, their experiences in life. Perhaps they are highly sensitive people (you can read about them in a book by Elaine Aron called "The Highly Sensitive Person") and feel things differently, or as you say, perhaps they have higher expectations of others, oftentimes because they have higher expectations of themselves.
ReplyDeleteI would classify myself as such, but I wasn't always, I used to like people, think the best of them, but over time in my life I have become aware how dishonest, manipulating and selfish people can be, and shallow, and I finally came to a place where I just don't want much to do with people anymore, because I don't like trying to create relationships with people like that. The illusions have fallen, the truth remains, and humans just aren't that nice a lot of the time. If you can find a good one, appreciate the heck out of them! But my perspective, humans are the monsters under the bed that you worried about when you were a small child.
There were insanely high standards put on me as a child — for honesty, good behavior, not making mistakes, being intelligent, polite, etc. Then, I looked around at the world and nobody seemed to follow these standards even a little bit. It's as if every single person agreed that they were the right standards to follow, but nobody was up to the task — except for me. Now, that's not to say that I'm perfect, it's just to say that I try really hard in all aspects of my life. Which is why when I come into contact with a world full of people without those same values, they end up seeming lazy, rude, unintelligent, selfish, uninteresting, and fundamentally untrustworthy. They are, quite literally, lesser people when it comes to those standards. Perhaps they wouldn't seem like they were if I weren't so honest and well-behaved myself. But, I am. I took those standards for behavior very seriously. But, where that lands me is in a world full of people who are miserable by comparison. I think this happens to capable people a lot. I've read a lot of writings by brilliant thinkers from all over the world and the overwhelming majority of them were bothered by other people for similar reasons. So, I think the comparison between oneself and others might be part of it. After all, if I'm willing to be honest, polite, sensitive, and intelligent with others, why would I accept a person being dishonest, rude, insensitive, and ignorant with me? That's not an even trade. If I end up even trying with most people, I essentially just get stiffed. Because, while I'm giving an 'all' that's actually worth something, their 'all' (or whatever it is they're giving me) isn't worth much at all. In fact, I'm happier without it. So, I think for me, the bother is in several places: (1) as a child, I thought these standards for behavior were universal, and worked extremely hard to discipline myself into a great human being, (2) upon realizing that not everyone followed these standards, I felt misled and lied to, (3) I then found myself interacting with people with low-standards and being consistently hurt by them, so while I appreciated my following those standards, I didn't appreciate others not following them — because there seemed to be a pretty good correlation between not having this standards and really hurting other people. Ultimately, what I'm left with is a world full of people who just haven't put in as much time or effort as I have into being a decent person — and it shows. I don't want to be friends with people who aren't interested in trying even half as hard as I do. — And, I actually don't expect the same from others as I put in, by the way. I really don't. I've had friends who weren't even half as intelligent as I am in terms of academics, but they knew how to be decent people in terms of loyalty, trust, etc. So, my standards are lower for other people. They still rarely, if ever, manage to make it over the bar. It's incredibly sad. I rarely bother interacting with them anymore.
ReplyDeleteI am hoping the same best effort from you in the future as well. In fact your creative writing skills has inspired me.
ReplyDeletehow to achieve success