The Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky has said that new heavy weapons provided by Western allies are working extremely well and delivering powerful strikes against Russian forces occupying the eastern regions of Ukraine.
In a televised statement, he said that heavy artillery supplied by the likes of the UK and US was readdressing the earlier disparity between Russian and Ukrainian firepower. The Ukrainians had long asked for more powerful weapons in which to hit back at the invaders.
Zelensky said:
"Finally it is felt that the Western artillery—the weapons we received from our partners— started working very powerfully. Its accuracy is exactly as needed. Our defenders inflict very noticeable strikes on depots and other spots that are important for the logistics of the occupiers. And this significantly reduces the offensive potential of the Russian army. The losses of the occupiers will only increase every week, as will the difficulty of supplying them."
Zelensky went on to say that the Ukrainians would not stop until all occupied land was returned to them and every Russian war criminal was brought to justice.
Since the war began on the 24th of February, the United States has supplied $7.6 billion in military aid to Ukraine with almost $1 billion worth of military aid soon to be delivered. Other NATO partners have also delivered billions in materiel.
The material supplied includes artillery, anti-aircraft systems, rockets, anti-tank missiles and unmanned drones, which have been particularly effective in knocking out Russian armour.
Russia has refocused its military objective upon the Donbass region of Ukraine, which Russia claims are two-independent Russian speaking territories. The focus on this region follows Russia’s humiliating defeat on the outskirts of Kyiv and their long retreat back into Belarus.
The war is though to have cost tens-of-thousands of lives on both sides and caused millions of Ukrainians to flee their homes and become refugees, both internally, and to neighbouring countries such as Poland And Czechia.
[Based on reporting by: Newsweek]