A pair of gay male penguins at a zoo in The Netherlands have caused an uproar after stealing an entire nest of eggs from a lesbian pair of penguins that live in the same compound.
The incident was seen at DierenPark Amersfoort, and according to zoologists, homosexuality is commonplace amongst this breed of African penguins. In fact, this is not the first time the penguin couple have been caught stealing eggs.
The pair could be seen building a mock nest out of pebbles and stones and then secretly snatching the eggs from the other couple. Zookeepers don't however believe the eggs will be fertilised given the nature of their relationship.
Two gay penguins with a reputation for trouble stole an entire nest of eggs from a neighboring lesbian couple at the same zoo https://t.co/4jaH4OjFN2
— The Cut (@TheCut) October 22, 2020
DierenPark Amersfoort announced the incident on Twitter, saying:
"Special news! Our park's penguin gay couple has taken an entire nest from a lesbian penguin couple this year. Homosexuality is more common in this bird species. Both birds nest on the eggs, alternately guarding the nest!"
Zookeeper Marc Belt told RTV Utrecht earlier:
"Homosexuality is more common in penguins, but it is remarkable that this couple has now also managed to get hold of an egg. The males took over the egg from a straight couple at an unguarded moment."
While fellow zookeeper Sander Drost added:
"The gay couple takes good care of the egg, the males both breed alternately. Of course, we hope to welcome one of the gay couples among those new chicks, we will wait and see. We also had a lesbian couple at the time. It could be that they stole it from that couple. And of course, they are not fertilized."
"Every couple has a house in the residence, but this couple has appropriated two houses. If we have a penguin couple with fertilized eggs, where something happens that prevents them from hatching it themselves, then we can also surrender those eggs to such a gay couple."
Homosexuality has been witnessed not only in penguins but amongst a wide range of animals in their natural habitats.
[Based on reporting by: Upworthy]