Here are some of the amazing pictures of International Women's Day from across the world. While the event is usually marked with huge protests and demonstrations, this year, and for the second year running, the demonstrations were much smaller due to Covid-19 restrictions. Even so, the images are a testimony to the success and struggles of women all across the world.
International Women's Day began when pressure groups in Europe and America in the early 20th century began demonstrating for their rights, including the right to vote. The day took on huge historical importance after the international women's day march in Russia in 1917, where women marched for an end to the First World War and for better living conditions. It is seen as one of the key moments in the run up to the Russian Revolution.
This year some of the best images include a march in Ciudad Juárez, Mexico, in which women marched against violence in the country. There has been an ongoing movement in Mexico over the last 2 years against widespread femicide, the killing of women. Later in the day, women placed flowers and letters of memorial on a wall in Mexico City commemorating all those women killed by men in the country. Similar protests against femicide and domestic abuse took place in Tel Aviv, Israel.
In London, England, members of the artistic and political group the 'Wom Collective' unveiled a piece of street art in the area of Brixton. The mural depicted a goddess.
In Paris, women marched wearing the clothing of the sans-cullotes, a revolutionary and emancipatory group during the French Revolution.
In one of the most visually spectacular photographs of the day, a woman was photographed waving a green flare outside the Dominican parliament in Santo Domingo. Green has been adopted in recent years by feminist protestors in Latin America and the Caribbean as a symbol for women's rights. The 'green protests' in Argentina and Chile last year brought about legislative changes in both country's reproductive laws.

A slogan on an activist’s back reads: 'My body, my authority'. Photograph: Timur Matahari/AFP/Getty Images

Windows are lit at the Primorye Territory government building to form the shape of a heart. Photograph: Yuri Smityuk/Tass

Mothers and relatives walk holding crosses during an event demanding an end to violence against women and femicide. Photograph: Mahe Elipe/Reuters
A woman waves a green flare during a demonstration to demand greater rights for women, in front of the National Congress. Photograph: Erika Santelices/afp/AFP/Getty Images

Women attend a protest march against a rise in fuel prices. Photograph: Rupak de Chowdhuri/Reuters

Women join a demonstration in front of the parliament building. Photograph: Alkis Konstantinidis/Reuters

Members of the Wom Collective, a female street art collective, work on their new piece of street art in Brixton to celebrate International Women’s Day. Photograph: Niklas Halle’n/AFP/Getty Images

Members of the feminist group Las Tesis rehearse a new production for International Women’s Day. Photograph: Marcelo Hernández/Getty Images

Female farmers at a protest against new agriculture laws. Photograph: Danish Siddiqui/Reuters

Women place flowers and posters with the names of victims of femicide on a fence placed front of the National Palace; Photograph: Sáshenka Gutiérrez/EPA

Women’s rights activists hold placards during a rally near the presidential palace calling for gender equality, justice and improved welfare for women. Photograph: Adi Weda/EPA

Female police officers and special constables talk to a suspect following a stop and search in Southwark during an all-female operation by the Metropolitan police, the first of its kind for the force, to commemorate International Women’s Day. Photograph: Victoria Jones/PA

The Manif Pour Tous group holds a women’s rights protest. Photograph: Olivier Donnars/Le Pictorium Agency/ZUMA/Rex/Shutterstock

Women take part in a rally demanding tax-free sanitary pads. Photograph: Navesh Chitrakar/Reuters

Trade union members take part in a march. Photograph: Arif Ali/AFP/Getty Images

Women demonstrate in the capital’s Lavapiés neighbourhood under the motto: 'In the face of social emergency, feminism is essential'. Photograph: Juan Carlos Lucas/NurPhoto/Rex/Shutterstock

A woman outside the district court holds a placard that reads: 'I refuse to be next', as others stand next to mock coffins to represent women killed as a result of domestic violence. Photograph: Jack Guez/AFP/Getty Images

Movement at Place Luxembourg and Royal Palace. Photograph: Isopix/REX/Shutterstock

People walk past a broken glass ceiling installation in front of the Fearless Girl Statue in front of the New York Stock Exchange. Photograph: Alexi Rosenfeld/Getty Images

Vice President Kamala Harris speaks during International Women’s Day in the East Room of the White House. Photograph: Mandel Ngan/AFP/Getty Images

A woman holds a banner during a protest against laws severely restricting access to abortion. Photograph: Omar Marques/Getty Images
[h/t: The Guardian]