Photo: Supporters of President Trump, one carrying a bust of the President, climb the walls of the Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021. Craig Ruttle / Redux Pictures
Over 200 Congressional Representatives, along with House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, set to impeach outgoing president Donald Trump and have him removed from office following the scenes at the Capitol building last week.
While Trump is due to leave the White House in just 9 days, the impeachment would mean that he would be barred from holding political office in the United States, and means that he could not run again for President ever again.
The impeachment will charge Trump with high crimes and misdemeanors for whipping up an insurrection and disrupting the peaceful transfer of power.
While Trump has previously been impeached as part of the ' Trump-Ukraine' scandal, in which he allegedly attempted to force the Ukrainian government through his lawyer, and former New York mayor, Rudy Giuliani to release compromising information on Joe Biden's son Hunter Biden in exchange for military aid. This impeachment failed due to it not passing through Congress. Following the elections earlier this month in Georgia, two Democratic representatives elected the Democrats now control both the Senate and the House of Representatives. Any new impeachment against Trump is likely to be successful.
It is thought that as many as 210 representatives already back the move against the President, the total vote required is 218 and Democrats currently have 222 seats.
Nancy Pelosi, an ardent opponent of Trump, said in a statement regarding the impeachment process:
"In protecting our Constitution and our Democracy, we will act with urgency, because this President represents an imminent threat to both. As the days go by, the horror of the ongoing assault on our democracy perpetrated by this President is intensified and so is the immediate need for action."
There have also been calls for vice-president Mike Pence to invoke the 25th amendment of the US Constitution that would remove Trump from power. However, this seems unlikely even if Pence has made strong moves to distance himself from the Trump regime.
Trump will now be the only President in US history to be impeached twice and will be only the second president removed from office, the first being Richard Nixon when he took the decision to resign in 1973 following the Watergate scandal.
Anger has risen since Trump egged on his followers at a protest rally outside the Capitol building. The protest descended into a full-blown riot in which 5 people were killed. Amongst those involved in the riots were proponents of the fictional QAnon conspiracy group which believes that Trump is fighting a secret war behind the scenes against a group of satan worshipping peadophiles linked to Hollywood and the Democratic party.