The Greek Parliament has unanimously voted to pass a new law that will impose harsh penalties on those that mistreat animals. In the most serious cases, it means that those that harm animals can be sentenced to up to 10-years-imprisonment.
Minimum sentences of 1 year in prison will also be imposed with fines of between 5,000 and 15,000 euros being handed out. The law defines serious animal abuse as including poisoning, hanging, burning and mutilation.
The Greek Agriculture Minister, Makis Voridis, the lawmaker who introduced the law, said:
"Society can no longer accept such acts … [and the law was] a strong message sent by Parliament to society."
Greece, a nation known for its love of animals, particularly cats which dot every street in every single town and city, has been shaken by two recent events regarding the mistreatment of animals. In October, a man was arrested for torturing and murdering a dog in Crete. He then hung the dog. The photos of the incident outraged Greek society after they were posted on social-media. A 54-year-old Professor was also arrested a few days later for stabbing his dog and hitting it with a metal bar in the town of Nikia, west of the Greek capital Athens.
Over the years, there has also been public anger at the poisoning of cats in both cities and towns, by individuals who put out poisoned food for them. Many blamed local bar and hotel owners for carrying out the crimes in order to keep the animals from disturbing their patrons.
It is hoped that the new law goes some way to dissuading people in the future from carrying out such wicked crimes.