Two brothers from Greece have invented an amazing new wheelchair that could change the lives of millions of people around the world.
The 'Laddroller' is specially designed to allow people normally confined to a wheelchair, a far greater independence in their day-to-day lives. The motorised wheelchair can tackle rough terrain and be used to go up and down stairs. The chair also has features which lift the occupier up and down and can even put them in a standing position, thereby making it possible to reach items in stores and at home that would normally be out of reach. The ability to be put into a standing position, which the invention provides, means that users can be at face height with those they are communicating with, allowing for more sociable interactions.
The chair has now gained approval by regulatory agencies, and it is expected that orders will be rolling in fast. Those that have already been using the chair say that it really has changed their lives for the better.
Dimitrios Petrotos and Marios-Ermis Petrotos are certainly overjoyed to have their invention entering the market, in an interview with Greek City Times, they said:
"There are roughly 65 million people worldwide who are confined to wheelchairs and restricted by current wheelchair designs, even in environments specially designed for them. They live in an almost permanent sitting position without the ability to act in every day's environment or to use tools that most people take for granted. We have taken a novel approach to wheelchair design: the laddroller (ladder + roller) is a hybrid of an exoskeleton with a powered wheelchair and is the only device that elevates the user by the motion of the wheels alone. Our design supports the user at any point in the range between the sitting and standing positions, without additional complicated mechanisms and operates easily from any position."