When good people fall into the trap of giving too many chances to those who hurt them in relationships, the root of the problem often lies in an individual failing to grasp that not all people are the same.
So what does this mean?
A good person has empathy, they have care for others, and they love genuinely. A good person is also very often acutely aware of their own shortcomings. They know they are not perfect, that they make mistakes, and they often chastise themselves for their errors, particularly when it comes towards wronging others, even if this was accidental.
Unfortunately, many people in this world don't think like good people. They love selfishly, wanting the other person as a possession, or to have them as company until a 'better option' becomes available. They feel little guilt about the hurt they cause and never see their own shortcomings.
A good person, somewhat naively, being the empathetic and understanding soul they are, thinks too often that others are good and that bad people are a rarity. Therefore, when they see themselves being wronged in a relationship, instead of standing up for themselves and saying 'this is wrong' or walking away, they instead make excuses for their partner's behaviour.
Many people feed on the kindness of others.
Good people must understand that they are being taken advantage of and that others do not live by the same moral code or have the same introspection that they have. They must, therefore, set boundaries and red-lines.
Now everyone has failings, no person is perfect, and forgiveness is one part of a healthy relationship. But if a good person is being constantly wronged they must learn to walk away. They must stop believing, or forcing themselves to falsely believe, that all humans play by the same rulebook. Giving your love to others that don't deserve it just leads to more and more hurt in the long-run.
Good people will convince themselves it will get better, or that it will be different this time. When it never does. Good people have got to understand that accepting there are bad people out there, and some people you may have thought you loved fit that category of 'bad person', does not condemn humanity as all bad, or that love doesn't exist. It just means that the beliefs of goodness cannot be universalised to every member of the society.
The good people of the world must stand up for themselves, failing to do so lets those who treat us badly rule the roost. In short – stop giving your love to those who don't deserve it, accepting human failings does not condemn you or the rest of humanity.