Far too often women, for a variety of reasons, don’t feel confident. This lack of confidence can manifest itself in a variety of different ways and in a variety of different settings. Unfortunately lack of confidence can hold women back in the workplace, in relationships and in life in general. These are the 5 key signs of a confident woman and by attempting to adopt these it is near guaranteed that you will really improve your life for the better.
Confident women have a purpose
Confident women have a purpose, and more importantly, it is a purpose that is defined by they themselves. Not by partners, relatives or friends. Once they have found their purpose, no easy task, they then pursue it with vigour. This could be anything from achieving a huge goal, getting a new job, achieving independence or raising a family.
Confident women enjoy some alone time
When we are confident in our own skin we can spend time alone to reflect, learn, or just enjoy our own company. It doesn’t mean becoming a recluse but it does mean becoming comfortable with who we are and our own thoughts and ideas. .
Confident women don’t abide by the idea of the 'perfect woman'
The 'perfect woman' may have it all, looks, success, family etc. but truly confident women understand that they only desire what they actually want and not what they are told to want by relations or media. Even rejecting certain things, such as a powerful career to pursue a passion, can in many ways be a sign of a confident woman.
Confident women have a great filter
A great filter means that confident women can take ideas, criticism and praise from a whole range of people and filter out the good from the bad. It also means that they can reject the views of people who really don’t matter and take on the constructive advice of those that do. Far too many women are set back by nasty remarks, gossiping or peer-politics.
Confident women know their power to change the world
There are more women in positions of power than ever before. They run countries, banks and NGOs. Many of whom really are making the world a better place for all citizens. A confident woman knows that she can, however small, play a part in that creation of a better world.
Even if you are not confident now – sometimes the best advice is to fake it 'til you make it. So stand up tall, don’t hold back, and embrace your inner confidence. We become what we do.