All of us hope to end up with our soulmate, but many still have no clue how to tell when they will eventually meet the one.
By definition, a soulmate is somebody who is ideally suited to you in all respect, both as a close friend and a romantic partner.
If you are lucky enough to have found the one, then you'll enjoy your relationship as much as possible.
Being soulmates is really like having a soul contract.
It is all about connecting with somebody who is meant to draw out a certain part of your own soul.
People tend to convince that with the concept of maintaining a relationship forever.
The truth, though, is that a relationship with your soulmate can in fact be either a short or a long one.
There's really no time stamp called forever.
Here is a list of five things that'll let you know when you meet the one.
1) Chemistry

That's the first clue that you are in a relationship with your soulmate, the chemistry between you two is just so strong.
It is like merging two giant magnets, and almost impossible for you to stay away from one another.
Even if you are in a relationship where one of you does not realize it at first, but somehow, perhaps even just as friends, you always find your energies synchronizing with one another. This is how you know the other person is your soulmate.
Chemistry means that like you really like the person, it involves a deep urge to be in one another's life because you actually enjoy sharing and connecting with that person.
Chemistry isn't just about sex, as some people think.
2) Emotional growth

Emotional growth refers to being able to handle your feelings smartly.
We all have some baggage we'd rather keep in the past, rather than relive all over each time something triggers it.
What we fail to realize is that those things have a way of messing with us while we're trying to move on with our life.
The best way to get over such stuff is to deal with them rather than running away simply.
Being in a relationship with our soulmates can save us from that tumor.
Instead of avoiding the reality of things, your soulmate will teach you to deal with your fears and get over them. Only then you can really be at peace with yourself.
Even though you need to learn how to love yourself, it is also essential to learn how to stand firm and improve your habits.
This is one of the differences between a soulmate relationship and an ordinary fling.
When you meet someone that is in this position for you, try to hold on to them.
3) Soul connection

This is really special between soulmates.
It's something you cannot plan, make a list towards achieving it or fabricate, it is simply just out of your control.
Soul connection happens naturally. When it does, it wakes you up and feels so good.
You know, that feeling you get when you engage in an activity with somebody, and when done, you feel like you've done it before with the person.
That's exactly how soul recognition works, everything the person does just soothes you.
Do not miss the once in a lifetime opportunity; find it in yourself to take the chance when that happens.
4) Common vision

Another sign that you are in a relationship with your soulmate is that you both have a shared vision.
There's a way of viewing the world that overlaps.
There is a part of both of you that wants something similar, if not precisely the same thing from life.
For some, a partnership is all about diving deep and becoming the best possible version of ourselves through a committed partnership.
For others, a relationship is all about exploring their sexuality.
5) Spiritual communication

The last sign that you're in a soulmate relationship is that you can communicate without words.
When you're deeply connected with someone, you can tell when they are off.
You can see right through the person and bring them back to the light if they ever drift to the other side.
When your partner is feeling joy, you can also feel it, like a vibration.