Will Smith and Dame Helen Mirren will be reading a bedtime story each during a one-night fundraising event in order to help fight global homelessness, according to The Washington Post. On December 7th 2019, Smith has agreed to collaborate with The World’s Big Sleep Out, a campaign which seeks to raise money to end homelessness and displacement around the globe.
Aiming to raise $50 million, The World’s Big Sleep Out encourages people to join or organize a “sleep out” for one night in order to support several charities throughout the world.

Smith will be reading bedtime stories in Times Square in New York City and Mirren will be doing hers in Trafalgar Square, London. Each location will feature live performances.

The sleepout is also planned in other major cities, including Chicago, Amsterdam, Madrid, and Los Angeles.
A hundred percent of the funds raised from the New York event will go toward registered charities that help homeless and displaced people. International partners include UNICEF USA, Social Bite, Malala Fund, and The Institute of Global Homelessness.