Photographer Claudio Piccoli makes otherwise ordinary puppies look like superheroes. In his stunning series called Dogs in Action, four-legged friends soar through the sky like Superman. These dogs make the greatest leaps with ease—often while having their eyes trained on catching a colorful frisbee. Piccoli’s amazing frozen moments in time remind us that dogs, along with being loyal companions, are incredible athletes as well.
Capturing the perfect shot of dogs in mid-air is not as effortless as the resulting images appear, however. Piccoli’s process for capturing a high-flying pup varies on the type of action he intends to represent.
Producing Dogs in Action requires patience above all. “Dogs are not machines or models we can pay to do something,” says Piccoli, “and every dog and breed is different!” Those differences are what makes the series so exciting for canine lovers. Scroll down below to see some of the highlights from the project.