In 2018, Greta Thunberg drew the world's eye to her protests aiming to raise awareness of the risks posed by climate change and holding politicians accountable for their inactivity during the climate crisis. In 2019, the whole world is taking to the streets to express the same sentiments. Global Climate Strike is a global event encouraging everybody to take part in changing the planet for the better by raising awareness on the urgency of these climate issues and drawing the attention of those who select to remain passive.
On September 20th, 2019, thousands of people all across the globe participated in multiple global strikes. The strikes happened before countries gather at the Climate Action Summit on September 23rd, where they intend to discuss how to minimize greenhouse gas emissions under the 2015 Paris Climate Agreement.
People used various means to express their ideas and draw attention. Some used the fact that the strikes were happening, trying to gather as many people as possible. Others used their creativity to show what's on their mind. So scroll down and check out the best ones.