Some basic skills of an office employee are the ability to organize office supplies, answer phones, and work a computer. And office kittens Debit and Credit have almost all of these skills. ‘Hired’ by the finance/IT department of a transportation company in Ohio, these rescue kittens were employed not for their ability to play with boxes but to boost office morale.
The cute sister and brother have managed to delight not only their office but the entire internet. Introduced by one of their fellow employees on Reddit, the cute kitties were caught on camera hiding under and wrestling with an empty box lid. Of course, people wanted to see more of their hijinx. Debit and Credit have now an Instagram account of their own with 6.2k followers.

Watch their viral box video here:
Debit and Credit (@ourofficekittens) on
Debit and Credit (@ourofficekittens) on
Debit and Credit (@ourofficekittens) on
People couldn’t get enough of the adorable pair and wondered how they got any work done: