Many people take sleep for granted. We get it—there is so much to do and so little time. While you're already aware of the health issues that come with not getting enough sleep every night, what you possibly did not know is that it can affect more than only your body. It can also affect your chances at love.
Have you ever wondered why The One appears to elude you time and time again? Or perhaps you have already found your significant other, but you have not been on the same page lately? Your sleeping habits (or your lack thereof) might be starting an unhealthy cycle that is affecting your relationships.
According to Psychology Today, having consistent high-quality sleep can actually help you get the love boost you crave since ample rest affects you emotionally, physically, and mentally.
When you fail to get seven hours of sleep every day (at least), it can:
1. Cause you to always look exhausted and uninterested in making connections. While looks shouldn't be the only reason to like somebody, science says that “well-rested individuals are judged as more attractive.” Lack of sleep might also give the impression that you aren't healthy or are not taking care of yourself, which is actually true in a way.
2. Make you more prone to arguments than usual and grumpier in general. A 2014 study showed that less sleep among couples cause more conflict than usual, and it’s true even with single people—when you do not have enough rest, your mind appears slower and you become less empathic and understanding of another person’s situation. The fewer things make sense, the more irritable you become, and when you’re irritable, you often shut yourself off.
3. Affect your sense of humor. It is a common fact that humor can make one attractive. Sleep deprivation steals that ace from you since, according to Psychology Today, “humor requires high-level cognition, and a lack of sleep inhibits it.” Not even coffee could help get back the giggles.
4. Lower your sex drive. According to NHS, “men and women who don’t get enough quality sleep have lower libidos and less of an interest in sex.” That's because your body doesn’t get the chance to recuperate enough, making you feel always exhausted.
5. Impact your memory. Like a working computer, your brain reboots during sleep, enabling it to function in its best capacity the following day. When you lack sleep, your memory often goes out of whack—so that means you easily forget names and numbers, or worse, promises and anniversaries, which may lead to conflict.
The solution is quite straight-forward: Be mindful of how many hours of sleep you get at night, and the quality of sleep you are getting. If you sleep way too late, then adjust your time table and train your body to relax at the same hour each day. Avoid playing with your phone or watching TV at least thirty minutes before bedtime to help your mind wind down. If you feel you have tried everything and are still having trouble sleeping, try consulting your doctor. You might not need a love life to be happy, but you do need sleep.