Cats can truly make a statement with the way they look. Even cats you think that you know can surprise you. Solid-color cats, for instance, can develop marks when they grow up. Whether or not they've always got them, cats can sometimes come with markings you just have to see to believe.
Here is a list of adorable cats that will make you check your eyes with their unique look. Do not forget to check out our bonus that shows that cats can make their mark in more than one way!
Release the bat signal!

Animals can find many ways to say “I love you.”

If they ever remake Harry Potter with an all-feline cast, here is your star...

© TheThingInTheCorner / Reddit
A goofy smile lightens everyone’s mood.

Within every cat beats the heart of a warrior...

Who says there is no such thing as dragons?

The raccoons are starting to suspect there is a spy among them.

If his tail is straight, it is an exclamation point. When he bends it, it is a lowercase “j.”

We’re number one! He’s number one...

Who’s afraid of the big, bad wolf?

Is it weird that his second pair of eyes look more like cat eyes than his other eyes?

With this sword at his side, this is the cat who should be king.

Cats love teaching the world about the continents.

The only thing classier than a mustache is a mustache with a cute, little goatee.

Time to flex those pecs!

The best way to teach kids about shapes is to get a cat.

Charlie Chaplin is going to make a comeback.

To think that most girls need eyeliner and mascara to look this good.

Is anybody else suddenly in the mood for a cookie?

This is not a sleeping panda; it’s a cat’s butt.

If Zorro ever needs a new sidekick, we’ve probably found one.

Here’s a cute, little Christmas tree you won’t have to decorate.

Whether you see “LOL” or “101,” cats have sure come a long way in the art of communication.

The dinosaurs aren’t all gone; some are just hiding...

You can make every day a black tie event with this cat.
The Oasis Animal Sanctuary (@oasisanimalsanctuary) on
Felines are just classier than the rest of us.
Here is a little kitten with another little kitten, right in the middle of his face...
鼻にもねっこがおるよ pic.twitter.com/tmUMqyT5bl
— トウカイトリックbot (@TOKAITRICK_bot) July 19, 2017
Batcat isn't the hero we asked for, but he's the hero we need.
My milkshake brings all the cats to the yard cos my paws are bigger than yours. Damn right they're bigger than yours #cat #poldactyl pic.twitter.com/NJLUDYlUU3
— Kathryn Hearn (@Kathryn_Hearn) August 25, 2017
The only time a soul patch works is when it is on a cat.
Robin, goodboy cat (@robinlafsf) on
Who doesn’t want two cats for the price of one?
— ねこやん (@tatuya01) August 29, 2017
Bonus: Eyebrow cat has such a wide array of emotions.
Sam (@samhaseyebrows) on
Sam (@samhaseyebrows) on
Sam (@samhaseyebrows) on
Sam (@samhaseyebrows) on
Preview photo credit ねこやん / Twitter