The message is getting through, at least to the next generation. While a totally preventable breakout of measles is now occurring in Washington state, prompting the governor to declare a public health emergency, today's children of irresponsible parents are taking matters into their own hands and figuring out how to get vaccinated without needing parental consent.
A particularly bright 15-year-old Redditor posted on the subreddit r/legaladvice, looking for solutions to his problem. He showed considerable maturity and willingness to do his research. His question regarding the vaccines he can get without his mother’s blessing sparked an eye-opening discussion, bringing to important light issues which are essential reading for any unvaccinated under 18-year-olds out there.
Measles outbreaks in 2019 America aren't just acceptable and show that there is still work to be done. This initiative from the younger generation gives us hope there are more sensible, grounded adults and parents to come!
Danny talked about his efforts to get immunized. “I’ve tried to have conversations with my mom about vaccinations,” he said. “My attempts were often conversations with me bringing a website or a scientific study to show her. Often it concluded with my mom saying that she would do some more research later. We both understand each other’s views and respect them, we are able to have good and open discussions. However, it honestly came down to just being persistent enough so that at the last doctor’s checkup I had several months ago, at the end of it I kept nagging my mom about it and asked the doctor to talk about vaccine risks and safety. We convinced my mom to let me get a tetanus and polio shot. Since then I haven’t had any other shots, and my younger siblings don’t have any vaccinations at all.”
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Here is what people had to say about Danny’s situation:

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