The new year has finally come, and lots of countries have already celebrated Christmas. With all the festive mood of the season, we hope for the best and look for the good and the beauty around us.
Even if you do not feel cheerful for some reason, take a look at these pictures full of kindness and joy. Chances are it'll make you smile:
“Two surgeons after successfully removing a set of brain tumors during a 32-hour surgery.”
“My dad was the only one at the office today, so he made this picture and sent it to my family.”

What a caring mother!

Love is all you need.

“I volunteer for a dog rescue, and we love seeing updates of the dogs in their new homes. This one made me smile!”

No DNA test needed...

Behind the scenes of the New Year’s Eve celebration

Does anybody have a clue about what’s going on here?

“An elementary school bus driver asked every kid on his bus what they wanted for Christmas. He bought every child a gift.”
“Probably the best picture from last year: I call it ’the day my dog fell in love.’”

“If my ICU patients forget for just a few minutes that they’re stuck in ICU over Christmas, then it was all worth it.”

Just a few witty frogs hitching a ride on the back of a python...

What do you see? Cross-country skiers or notes?

The miracle of birth
“Eleven days ago I posted a picture of the inside of my broken paintbrush-mug, then another Redditor finished painting the scene. Today a package arrived that brought the whole thing full circle!”

“Someone in my neighborhood is making good use of their low hanging oak tree branches this Christmas.”

One of the coolest selfies ever!

A Monopoly blanket crocheted by a loving mom.
hello, please look at this giant blanket my mom crocheted for me!!! pic.twitter.com/TTRQwJAmnZ
— pilot! (@pilotviruet) December 27, 2018
“My friends and I built a ’Chemistree,’ and we hope you like it! We used the periodic table to spell ’Merry Christmas’ in Dutch.”

“Two shirts purchased months apart forming an unbroken chain.”

A loving hug from a swan — how cute is this?

Preview photo credit Meems138 / Reddit, rafaella_aas / Instagram
I was not sure if love spell could help but here is my story:
ReplyDeleteI have been in a relationship with my then ex (we broke up for 3 months) since 2015. It was a happy and very active relationship with lots of fun and travelling. We love each other endlessly and we shared a lot. His family was my family and my family his.
Few months back he started being controlling and possessive:
I told him that I don’t feel comfortable with his new behavior, he apologized and promised to work on himself. But he failed on his promises, this time it escalated to him being manipulative. He accuses me of cheating on him at work. Eventually, I’ll be the one apologizing for something I didn’t do. I broke up when I couldn’t take it any longer.
I got a stranger email address from a website that changed my story:
I asked the stranger for help to fix my relationship, I told him that my problem was that I am still in love with this guy and I know he loves me too but he has a huge ego, his ego is enormous. I know I am the one who did the breaking up but my heart was hoping for him to say to me ‘I’m sorry baby, I apologize for how I have made you feel these past years, I will seek help and fix myself so that we can fix us’
The stranger is Dr. Wakina, his email; dr.wakinalovetemple@gmail.com
Dr. Wakina showered his healing powers to us through his powerful love spell. Our relationship was fixed as he provided the much-needed help to us. Our destiny was changed for good.
You were right. I feel much better now. I am happy to find your web page. Good luck to you!