Imagine traveling everywhere you like, without having to pay a single dollar?
Well, this impressive motorhome with a sleek design is built for the open road, but it eliminates the need for the two essentials of transport- the driving experience and fuel.
The Iveco Daily Electric chassis, created by the RV Company Dethleffs, is something we have not seen before. The car has solar panels installed on the roof and the sides that are in total 334 square feet of thin-film solar panels that can deliver up to 3,000 watts of energy.
Rather than a charging station, it has a 228-Ah sodium-nickel-chloride battery, with all the fittings inside the RV, good for about 1,500 charges or about 250,000 km.
The solar house on wheels is also an e-home, with smart windows, a great heating system, and driver assistance technology.
Dethleffs Managing Director, Alexander Leopold,said:
“Dethleffs know this means a lot more than just putting bodywork on an electrically driven chassis. By implementing a fully electric powertrain, there are many challenges and equal opportunities for the entire vehicle.
One significant opportunity is to do without any additional type of energy sources for the vehicle. This means that a motorhome with electric drive will also supply all the onboard services with electricity for the living area instead of gas, for example – and that is why solar power production becomes very important.”
According to Green Matters:
“The e-home utilizes Victron Energy products for the solar kit, including solar charge controllers, an inverter/charger for AC electricity and to charge the lithium batteries, ancillaries, and a DC-DC converter to supply charge stations for phones, laptops and the like.
The motorhome also features a sleek and modern design; circular wireless charging station; infrared heating panels on interior floors, furniture, and walls; windows with darkening film between the panes; and a heating system that captures outside air on days warmer than 79 degrees, then sends it into the main cabin when the evening’s cooler air sets in. Oh, yeah—and a starlight projection system over the alcove bed.”

How much does this cost if we remove the vehicle portion?
ReplyDeleteThe solar house on wheels is also an e-home, with smart windows, a great heating system, and driver assistance technology.
ReplyDeleteنصائح لتجنب الحصول على كائنات الفراش المزعجة:
ReplyDeleteيجب تهوية المنزل بالكامل وفتح جميع النوافذ يوميا.
يجب تنظيف المنزل جيدا على الأقل كل يومين وعدم ترك الأتربة تحتل أسطح المكاتب وأثاث المنزل.
استخدام مطهرات قوية في تنظيف المنزل.
يفضل كي مفروشات الأسرة بعد غسلها وتنظيفها لضمان قتل أي نوع من الحشرات قد يلتصق بها.
استخدام معطرات لتعطير المنزل فهذه الكائنات لا تحب النظافة عموما وتكره رائحة المعطرات.
عند زيارة بعض الأشخاص لمنزلك يجب تنظيف المنزل والأغطية والمفروشات لعدم المساهمة في انتشار تلك الكائنات إن وجدت.
عند حجزك لغرفة في فندق تأكد من نظافة المكان وهذا لا يكفي فيجب عليك تعقيمك للمكان واستخدامك مطهرات قوية.
إذا نزلت ضيفا عند أحد الأشخاص فعند رجوعك لمنزلك يلزم عليك غسل جميع الأغراض التي كانت معك وكذلك ملابسك فالتخلص من كائنات الفراش ليس بالأمر الهين كي تتساهل في استضافتها داخل منزلك ولكن عليك الحذر.
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