Random acts of kindness are large or small selfless deeds that we spontaneously do to help other people or animals. This term is often attributed to the writer Anne Herbert, who is believed to have written, “Practice random kindness and senseless acts of beauty,” on a restaurant placemat. Thanks to the Internet we can share the images of love and kindness people give each other without any expectation of a reward.
Here's a collection of heartwarming pictures with you showing people doing good things to support those in need or to cheer up their friends on a bad day.
A police officer from Argentina, Celeste Ayala, didn't hesitate to breastfeed a crying baby who had recently been taken away from his mother.
This brave man saved a beached baby dolphin and brought it back to sea.

A server in a restaurant helped to feed a disabled woman so that she and her male companion could enjoy their meal together.

“Bought the guys working outside the Francis Marion some hot chocolate so they wouldn’t be so cold!”

“Brought a box of coffee and donuts to the Marshfield Fire Department and thanked them for all that they do!”

“I made this banner to put on the cistern to make anyone’s day better.”

“Our firefighters found an injured owl while returning from a call last night. Today, Fire Captain Ayres is helping transport it to an owl sanctuary in Niagara. Amazing customer service! Even for our little-winged friends.”
“I forgot my phone on the hood of my car, and somebody put it in a plastic baggy and left it on my windshield.”

“I lady who works across from my office walked by when I was notably stressed. A little while later she came by and dropped me off some lunch.”

A Walmart assistant supported the back of a woman that felt dizzy while waiting for an ambulance.
“Found this card on my windshield at the Appleby GO Station. At first, I thought it was a ticket, then upon closer inspection, I thought it was some prank.... this had to be too good to be true. The card says: “Hey there! Life is hard...Please find enclosed $20. Hopefully, it will make life a little less hard!”

This Safeway employee is helping a blind man take home his groceries.

“Candy and notes of encouragement for students in their last week of the semester.”

The volunteers organized a dream voyage for kids in need. “The children meet at the Air Canada hangar at 3:45 am, fly to Los Angeles, get bussed to Disneyland, spend 8 hours in the park, get back on the bus to the airport, fly home and arrive just before midnight the same day!”
This man chooses to keep his persona in secret, and he is known to Instagram users as “Random Acts of Kindness Rider,” or “R.A.K. Rider.” He rides his blue bike and anonymously gives out flowers, toys and other nice things to the people he meets.

© r.a.k.rider / Instagram © r.a.k.rider / Instagram
This boy donated his future Christmas gifts to kids in need in a dedicated gift area of one of Miami’s gyms.
Students of Wesleyan University tied dozens of scarfs for people in need onto light poles in the neighborhood.
Emergency care assistants got an unexpected gift: a person they didn’t know gave them a box of doughnuts in acknowledgment of their hard work saving people’s lives.
“When you look out the window and see two kind humans who bought dog food, water, and supplies for a homeless man with his two dogs.”
“It does not cost much to be kind...we need to take care of each other any way we can.”
Preview photo credit Marcos Heredia / Facebook