Celebrities photobomb just like us! When you've imagined an encounter with your favorite celeb, it probably involves you nervously walking up to them to ask for an autograph and a picture gingerly, but that isn't how it went for the people in this list. No need to ask for a photograph when they will willingly jump into a selfie shot without asking.
But don't blame these famous people for stealing the limelight, they are so used to being on camera or chased by paparazzi at this point it's a reflex. So scroll down below to some A-list photobombs from Hollywood royalty to actual royalty.
Aaaahhh The Queen Photobombed Our Selfie

Just A Selfie With Bruce Springsteen

Guy Wanted To Take A Pic In Front Of Microsoft Sign, But Then Bill Gates Happened

The Old Lady Is A Slash Fan, But She Doesn't Know Slash Is Standing Behind Her

Old Man With Cigar Spoiled The Photo With Celebrity

Photobomb Level Over 9000

Arnold Schwarzenegger Photobombs Tourists In Front Of The Eiffel Tower

Fan Takes Photo With Modern Family's Ty Burrell, Epic Photobomb By Bryan Cranston

I Tried To Take A Photo With My Baby, But Some Idiot Has Ruined It

Had Our Engagement Photos Photobombed By Dave Chappelle

When You're Trying To Have A Serious Convo But Your Agent And Prince Harry Aren't Serious At All

Nice Photobomb, Justin Trudeau

An Epic Photo Bomb By Ken Jeong

Olly Moss, Myself, Daniel Danger, With Special Guest Photobomber Elijah Wood

Zach Braff, I Think You Photobombed My Newlywed Couple The Other Day In New York. Well Played

Sometimes You See Justin Timberlake In Concert... Sometimes He Photobombs You

Photobomb Level: Presidential

We Got Photobombed By Aaron Paul (Jesse Pinkman From Breaking Bad) At Coachella Yesterday

Norman Reedus Photobomb

My Aunt Got Photobombed By Steven Tyler

Thanks For The Photobomb, Maisie Williams

Look Who I Met In Copenhagen! Speaking Of The Upcoming Premiere

Jim Staring Directly Into The Camera IRL At The Sox Game Last Night

Photobomb Level : Jake Gyllenhaal

My Friend Got Photobombed By Matt Garza

So Annoying When People Photobomb My Selfies

My Uncle, Cousin And Grandparents Getting Photo Bombed By Wiz Khalifa