We're all so quick to judge each other. Judging is something so innate nowadays. We don’t like somebody’s clothes, we judge them, we do not like the way they talk, again we judge them. We, consciously or unconsciously, tend to judge people in so many ways that it gets beyond absurd.
Judging somebody is one of the most significant malaise of our time. It causes many problems, and it disheartens people as well. However, we, as a society, still can’t stop.
Nevertheless, this video may change your perspective on judging as it aims to teach you one thing: DON’T JUDGE OTHER PEOPLE. It also shows how wrong we can also be and to take a good look at ourselves.
In this powerful video, a young, handsome guy gets five donuts for $5. Then he sits in the waiting area to wait for his flight departure. On the same table sits a haggard old man. His appearance shows that he is in need or maybe even homeless; at least that is what the young guy thought at first.
When the two sit on the table, there's a bag of donuts on the table. The young man takes out one and begins to eat, while reading his paper but then, the old man takes out one donut from the same bag and starts eating too.

The young man does not like it because he thinks it's his bag of donuts and nobody should be eating them, not at least without permission. However, he still tries to let go of the move by the old man. The young guy goes back to reading his paper and then when he goes on to take his next donut, the old man, who seems to be doing some work on his notebook, takes out another too.
To see what happened, watch the video below: