Life in any form can be tough. At least, being the apex predator helps, even if this means living in a dead gig-economy which wrings your dreams dry and kills all your relationships: just because you get so used to competition that you refuse to live for anybody other than yourself.
It's like we have let go of their humanity nowadays; be it climate change or wars or poverty, the apathy in the common human is just appalling.
But humans can learn from all sources. It's no surprise that the earliest of morality books were animal fables. Perhaps that's the case with humans; they need something not-human to do what was human, to understand what they must live up to.

Hoping that is the case, we may have something which will make you go “aww” and maybe make you think about your humanity for some time.
Animals often end up showing more kindness than humans do, to other animals. That's evidenced by several viral videos of pets doing things even we would not if we were in a similar circumstance.

One of the more popular ones was Charlie the dog, that waited till his human mom helped a tiny fawn get freed after it got stuck in their fence. Highlight: there was a huge storm brewing, but it didn’t perturb Charlie at all.
Recently, another such video has been making the rounds of social media. It too has an unlikely pair: a cat and a bunny rabbit that have a fantastic friendship.

The thing happened in Spain, where a cat named Pelu had gotten trapped in a construction site. Now cats belong to an exceptional class of animals who have evolved being prey and predator both. As a result, despite their calm nature, they get very agitated whenever confronted with a stressful situation.
This too was no cakewalk for Pelu.
As he was trying his best to get out, his friend, an unlikely one at that, a rabbit named Chasky saw his plight and got to work.
Forgive our Aesop’s fables kind of tone, but hear us out. This bunny was no ordinary bunny. It figured out for itself that building a tunnel would work fine and the cat would be able to squeeze itself out.
And that is what he did, using his paws. He dug a tunnel from under the wall that separated them and helped Pelu squeeze out. After, Chasky was seen resting as Pelu came by to thank his savior.
The lesson is pretty clear here too: cooperation wins the day and a thank you is a long way to go concerning valuing friendships.
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