This new Ejector bed does not have a snooze alarm. If you plan to oversleep, it'll launch you straight out of bed. All while flashing lights and sounding off horns and bells.
Colin Furze, a crazy scientist who also built a set of retractable working Wolverine claws, came up with this fantastic invention.
When it's time for you to wake up, this excellent bed goes into overdrive. It throws you out of bed and makes a tremendous amount of noise.
As is a tradition with Furze's other inventions, most of it was assembled by him, in his garage. Classic air-compressor power the home-made device that throws you out of bed.
Learn more: colinfurze.com | YouTube

You can also set it to MAX power mode!

Leaving your clothes at the end of the bed can even guarantee a quicker start to your morning!

Watch the full video demonstration of the ejector bed in the video below:
Also, watch Colin build the entire contraption!
When it's time for you to wake up, this excellent bed goes into overdrive. It throws you out of bed and makes a tremendous amount of noise. happy wheels free game