As reported by a paper published in 2017, there are more than 2 billion animal species around the globe. This means that out of all the creatures that exist we just know about 1 percent or even less and also we have no clue about what they all look like. That is why when we see photos of unknown species we are amazed by how extraordinary they look with their unique colors or markings. However, these unique color mutations might also be found in common house pets.
Here are 25 beautiful animals with unique color mutations that you’ve probably never seen before.
A dog with freckles all over his body

© Berlinthebattleturtle / imgur
You can call him Zorro.

It is cold outside, socks are essential.

Most recognizable cow ever!

Who’s on their way back from a masquerade party?

Proof that eyeliner totally makes your eyes pop:

California red-sided garter snake

Venus, the ’2-faced’ cat

Red candy basslet

The always-concerned cat

Adolf Hitler’s pet cat

Albino peacock

© thegreatkumquatmassacre / imgur
6-color parrot

An Atelopus frog from the highlands of Suriname

Rottweiler with vitiligo

Calico Dominican red mountain boa

© WhatDoYouWantMeToMakeHimSayNow / imgur
Banye, the OMG cat

An adorable dog with a heart-shaped nose that was saved by a shelter

© Berlinthebattleturtle / imgur
Albino crocodile

© thegreatkumquatmassacre / imgur
A religious brown cow

Indian bull frog

Pink dolphin

When your eyes catch the world’s attention:

A rare blue lobster

Black circles after a wild night out

Preview photo credit IBringTheAnswers / imgur, unknown / imgur, The1uniquesnowflake / reddit
hahahha all animals pictures are adorable lovely thanks for sharing here all lovely these are http://list.com.pk/animals/categories/