Our pets are our companions, but you can certainly train your pet to obey you and be your close one's guardian too. This woman put her dog to test in a controlled training exercise and recorded his reaction after he witnessed her baby in potential "danger."
The woman seems to be angry and is acting like she's trying to hit the kid by smacking on its crib with rolled paper and a stick. The dog barks at her after each hit and then jumps and tries to take the stick from the mother's hands. After every successful attempt, she praises the dog for his good job.
The video has been all over the web, with people commenting that the mother's act is insane and that the kid should be taken away from her. However, if you pay look closer, you'll notice that the baby is undisturbed and unhurt.
Even though not all dogs can be protective of their owner's children, training can be critical if you would like to teach your dog to pay close attention to the safety of your baby. Training a dog requires several tests in a simulated and controlled environment, so what this woman is doing is actually pretty safe. If you're still uncertain of the method, you can consult a specialist trainer.
Reference: Rumble