The dramatic picture of 83-year-old Ali Meşe and his kitten watching their house burn down in western Turkey's Bolu province became viral after it was shared by CNN International Ellen DeGeneres’ Show.
Love is everything. When the man's house burned to the ground, he ensured that he had saved his precious treasure. In the meantime, the Mudurnu Social Assistance and Solidarity Foundation began to build a new home for Meşe's family, who escaped the burning house; luckily with only a few minor burn injuries.
As Presidential spokesman Ibrahim Kalın previously tweeted, he contacted Bolu province's governorate, who told him they'd address the "needs of uncle Ali."

Also, Minister of Family and Social Policies Fatma Betül Sayan Kaya stepped in to initiate an extensive help campaign.
Meşe is currently receiving medical treatment for his injuries. The man said he felt grateful for all the offers of assistance from both Turkey and abroad. He added that he had received hundreds of calls since the incident.

Meşe accidentally started the fire while he was trying to light the heating stove with gasoline. Unfortunately, his efforts led to an explosion in the living room, and then Meşe's single-story wooden house burned to the ground.
Neighbors noticed the fire immediately and informed the fire brigade, who managed to save the old man, his wife, his son and his kitty just in time.
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