It's our choices that differentiate us from the others. Whether it's about fashion, tv shows, nutrition or hairstyle, we all have our unique tastes and quirks. Speaking of tastes, we all have our go-to foods. However, while some of us might prefer Burger King, others will vote for McDonald’s. So here are five differences between some popular products which are remarkably similar.

The Independent
1. Lipton Ice Tea versus Nestea. Both drinks are essentially sweetened lemon teas, and they're incredibly similar. They're both concentrated tea, water, and also contain either sugar or sweeteners. According to the nutrition facts available on Google regarding iced teas, while Nestea uses natural flavorings, Lipton contains nature-identical sweeteners. According to Fortune.com, Nestle and Coca-Cola are going to end their 16-year venture in the iced tea business. Nestea is closing down their production in most countries in 2018.
2. Coca-Cola versus Pepsi. While these two drinks are frequently substituted for one another, there's a group that's made up of ardent supporters of one and another group that's a fervent lover of the other. These drinks are not that different: According to a Business Insider study which looked at Pepsi and Coke, Pepsi is a tad sweeter with a hint of citrus and Coke has a slight albeit noticeable vanilla flavor. Coke's contents are written evidently on its can on its label, while Pepsi identifies its additives with codes. For instance, Pepsi uses orthophosphoric acid, but it's coded as E338 on the label. Furthermore, the formula for Coke is a secret while Pepsi’s is public.
3. Original Lays versus Original Pringles. BBC News has reported that Pringles are only 42% potatoes and utilize fermented dough in their creation process. Also, Pringles contain potato flour, corn flour, wheat starch and rice flour. On the other hand, Lay’s are real potato chips.

4. Orbit versus Dirol gum. Once again, while both of those gums are generically substituted for one another, they have some minor differences. People who chew gum regularly claim that Orbit lasts a bit longer than Dirol. Orbit also tends to crumble apart after chewing for a long time while Dirol will usually stiffen and become harder.

5. Burger King VS McDonald’s. The buns on those two fast-food giants are different. While Burger King has sesame seeds, McDonald’s doesn't. Burger King burgers come with onions whereas McDonald’s’ doesn't. And according to their own evaluation on their nutritional menus on their websites, a McDonald’s regular cheeseburger is 300 calories while a Burger King's cheeseburger is around 550 calories.
Reference: Providr