Regardless of all the crazy shit currently happening in the world, what is viral today is a video of a guy vaping tide pods.
People are apparently too busy to worry about Trump, terrorism, wars, or poverty. They would rather eat Tide pods to get attention on social media. YouTube is now taking down Tide pod challenge videos to slow the 'trend', while stores are locking the 'forbidden fruit' in anti-theft cabinets.
The problem is so serious that mainstream media outlets are having to break off chunks of time allotted to sowing societal division and fearmongering the public about nuclear war and terrorism. They do that to advise people they shouldn't ingest toxic chemicals produced by a massive global conglomerate which spends millions of dollars lobbying the government each year and is no different than toxic products.
All this time the #McResistance believed that Trump and nuclear war would be the death of humanity. But, no, it has to be fucking tide pods. Even Idiocracy just went as far as sports drinks. And we believed fidget spinners and crazy people pouring buckets of water on their head was bad? While the president of America is trying to start wars with North Korea and Iran, people are too busy eating laundry soap to care. In Yemen, over 100 children starve to death daily because of a U.S.-backed siege, but Americans kids are currently eating Tide fucking laundry detergent.
Americans are too busy watching Tide pod challenge videos on Youtube to push the right “BALLISTIC MISSILE THREAT INBOUND” button in Hawaii.
The tiki torch whites are raging, the pussy hat-wearing liberals are gearing up to throw another tantrum in the streets, American police have already killed sixty-two people so far this year, and meanwhile, America’s youth are dabbing a household cleaner.
Bats and antelope are dropping dead in heat waves. Wind storms are blowing people down streets. “Bomb cyclones” are obviously a thing. Places are getting so cold that the thermometers are literally breaking. On the other hand, fires, floods, and ice are wreaking havoc throughout America. However, by all means, let’s talk about Tide pods.
If America's apathetic youth would prefer to sell themselves out for some cheap social media “likes,” and so-called politically engaged people would rather feign outrage over “shithole” words rather than “shithole” actions, I sincerely don’t want to live on this planet anymore.
Reference: The Antimedia
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