Every great person, despite their culture, religion, tribe, or ethnicity, believes in certain words of wisdom.
Those words transcend the differences among people. This code of living forms one’s character. It molds every culture to be unique and unrepeatable.
Possibly one of the most spiritually advanced and personality building code is The Native American Code of Ethics that was originally published in the Inter-Tribal Times in October 1994.
It's a Code of Ethics that teaches everybody, American or not, how to live their lives in the best way.
It's fascinating to note that most of these teachings are reflected in other beliefs and faith as well.
1. Rise with the sun to pray. Pray alone and often. The Great Spirit will listen only if you speak.
2. Be tolerant of the people who are lost on their path. Ignorance, jealousy, anger, and greed stem from a lost soul. Pray that they'll find guidance.
3. Search for yourself, by yourself. Don't allow others to create your path for you. It's your road and yours alone. Others might walk it with you, but nobody can walk it for you.
4. Treat your guests in your home with consideration. Serve them the best food, offer them your best bed and treat them with respect and honor.
5. Don't take what isn't yours either from a person, community or culture. It wasn't earned nor given. It isn't yours.
6. Respect every little thing placed upon the earth.
7. Honor other people’s thoughts, desires, and words. Let each person express themselves.
8. Never speak of others in a mean way. The negative energy you put out into the universe is going to multiply when it returns to you.
9. All people make mistakes. And all mistakes can be forgiven.
10. Negative thoughts cause illness of the mind, body, and soul. Practice optimism.
11. Nature is not FOR us, but a PART of us. Animals, plants and every other living creature are all part of our worldly family.
12. Children are the seeds of our future. You need to plant love in their hearts and shower them with wisdom and precious life’s lessons. When they're grown, give them space to mature.
13. Avoid hurting other people's heart. The poison of the pain you cause will return to you.
14. Be honest at all times. Honesty and truthfulness are the tests of one’s will within this world.
15. Keep yourself balanced. Work out the body to empower the mind. Grow rich in spirit to cure emotional pain.
16. Make conscious decisions regarding who you'll be and how you'll react. Be responsible for your actions.
17. Respect the privacy and personal space of those around you. Don't touch the personal property of others – especially holy and religious objects. That's forbidden.
18. Be true to yourself first. You can't nurture and help others unless you can nurture and help yourself first.
19. Respect others religious beliefs. Don't try to force your beliefs on other people.
20. Share your good fortune with others. Also, participate in charity.
Reference: Life Coach Code
How I Got My Ex Husband Back...........
ReplyDeleteI am Shannon by name. Greetings to every one that is reading this testimony. I have been rejected by my husband after three(3) years of marriage just because another woman had a spell on him and he left me and the kid to suffer. one day when i was reading through the web, i saw a post on how this spell caster on this address Makospelltemple@yahoo.com , have help a woman to get back her husband and i gave him a reply to his address and he told me that a woman had a spell on my husband and he told me that he will help me and after 2 days that i will have my husband back. i believed him and today i am glad to let you all know that this spell caster have the power to bring lovers back. because i am now happy with my husband. Thanks for Dr.Mako. His email: Makospelltemple@yahoo.com OR.His WhatsApp Number:+2347054263874.
What a bunch of crap. Not the rules themselves, but that indians lived by such a "code". They raided, raped, murdered, kidnapped, stole, took slaves as any primitive peoples did. The myth that they were peaceful, earth-loving people is just that: a myth. It's even documented that some tribes held black slaves. I am part indian myself, as most people whose families have been here as long as mine are but this lie needs to be refuted whenever the opportunity arises.
ReplyDeleteThis is not true...
DeleteAll persons are not same..
All Indians are not bad...
I am cured from herpes
ReplyDeleteHis result is 100% guarantee.
Robinsonbuckler11 ((@gmail. com ))……
The Native American code of 20 rules, with rule #11 being the most significant, offers timeless wisdom, urging readers to embrace interconnectedness and life's sacredness. These principles promote harmony, respect, and balance in existence. Abogados de Divorcio de Alto Patrimonio Neto de Nueva York