It’s easy to get wrapped up in the excitement of being around big talkers.
They have a sh*tload of bravado. They’re enchanting. They bring you in with their wild stories and their bold, enticing passion about the issues they’re discussing.
The problem is that they don’t really know what they’re talking about.
They spend a lot of time chattering away without actually taking the time to think through what they’re saying. They’re too busy listening to themselves to hear what anyone else has to say.
It’s easy to assume that the most outspoken, opinionated person in the room is the most intelligent. In fact, this isn’t always the case.
The people who are the most intelligent are actually the ones you’d least expect to be smart. They patiently wait for other people to say what they need to say. They choose to open their ears rather than their mouths.
The quietest people are the smartest people; the ones who talk less have the most brainpower.
Go figure.
These are the introverts. They’re the creative types, the geniuses who get stimulation from learning rather than socializing.
You may not have noticed them. They prefer to fly under the radar, silently producing the best work and the most incredible art.
It’s always the quiet ones who turn out to be the most interesting and surprising, isn’t it?
Quiet People Are Too Busy Thinking To Talk.
The quitest people are the ones inside their heads.
They’re chronic over-thinkers. They may want to start a conversation, but they’re busy thinking about that conversation’s possible outcomes.
They dissect every single factor in a conversation. Speaking doesn’t come easily, as they take it very seriously.
Quiet people may have a lot to say, but they have trouble forming actual words because they’re moving from one subject to the next inside their heads.
Quiet People Write And Read More Than They Speak.
Quiet, intelligent people focus their energy on creating. They aren’t spending their free time out at the bar; they’re spending it reading and writing.
Introverts enjoy stimulating conversations, but it is safe to say that these are few and far between.
It’s the quiet ones who are sitting in their libraries, reading and lounging on their couches, writing and creating.
Quiet People Have Stronger Brains Because They Take Time To Reflect.
The best thing you can do for your brain is to give it a break and allow it to soak up what’s around you.
According to AARP Magazine, being quiet is actually good for your brain health — because it gives your mind a chance to wander and reflect.
It’s the quiet people who devote time to meditation. Their brains get stronger because they don’t just hear things; they analyze them.
Quiet People Aren’t Loners; They Just Value Learning Over Gossip.
Some of the most intelligent people are introverts. According to an interview in Scientific America with Susan Cain, author of the book “Quiet: The Power of Introverts”:
It’s also important to understand that introversion is different from shyness. Shyness is the fear of negative judgment, while introversion is simply the preference for less stimulation.
It’s not that shy people don’t enjoy being in the company of others; they just prefer the company of books. Quiet people are natural learners, and they have an unquenchable thirst for knowledge.
Their curiosity draws them to learning as much as they can. Just because they’re quiet doesn’t mean they’re antisocial; they just prefer to expand their minds more than they like to open their mouths.
Quiet People Choose Their Words Wisely.
When people are constantly chattering, they aren’t thinking about what they’re saying. Quiet people watch what they say.
They are reflective people. They don’t want to emit useless words in a world that is already so inundated with noise. They want to add meaning to the world.
The quiet person thinks about what to say instead of yammering on without a whim. Every single sentence is a carefully crafted masterpiece that has been created by his or her beautiful mind.
Quiet People Don’t Blabber; They Listen.
The smartest people are the ones who are quietly listening and absorbing everything that is being said around them. These people have the most knowledge because they’re processing words instead of speaking them.
Their thoughts and opinions arrive from knowledge that has been meticulously collected and curated. When you listen, you become a better decision-maker.
If you’re quiet, you’re going to make smart decisions. You can’t make an informed choice without first knowing all the facts.
The chatterboxes are too busy listening to themselves to really understand what they’re even talking about.
by Gigi Engle
Source: Elite Daily via Ideaspots
Hello, this has lifted my spirit up. I usually think myself as a low self because of the society that undervalues us. Also because of the minority of the people are introverts they are the ones who suffer, as I have suffered since my childhood. Now, that I have become an adult, I really value my introversion even though society does not accept it.
ReplyDeleteI was not an introvert by my choice I was because of the genes. People may think I am mean because I don't talk and so and knowing that I can't do anything really hurts me a lot.
I love your article. Speaks of suppressed introverts. I guess it is time we start to feel okay about ourselves.
Thank you.
Well said "Introverted person", us quiet ones hold a quality that most people would benefit from. We are who we are and there's no need to have that reflect on our own self value. Don't let society try to dictate who you should be.
DeleteWell said "Introverted person", us quiet ones hold a quality that most people would benefit from. We are who we are and there's no need to have that reflect on our own self value. Don't let society try to dictate who you should be.