Nestle CEO: Water Is Not A Human Right, Should Be Privatized


Is water a free and basic human right, or should all the water on the planet belong to major corporations and be treated as a product? Should the poor who cannot afford to pay these said corporations suffer from starvation due to their lack of financial wealth?

According to the former CEO and now Chairman of the largest food product manufacturer in the world, corporations should own every drop of water on the planet — and you’re not getting any unless you pay up.

Watch the video below for yourself:

The company notorious for sending out hordes of ‘internet warriors’ to defend the company and its actions online in comments and message boards (perhaps we’ll find some below) even takes a firm stance behind Monsanto’s GMOs and their ‘proven safety’.

In fact, the former Nestle CEO actually says that his idea of water privatization is very similar to Monsanto’s GMOs.

Nestle CEO - Water Is Not A Human Right, Should Be Privatized - He even takes a firm stance behind Monasnto's GMOs and their proven safety - Phychopaths rule the WorldIn a video interview, Nestle Chairman Peter Brabeck-Letmathe states that there has never been ‘one illness’ ever caused from the consumption of GMOs.

The way in which this sociopath clearly has zero regard for the human race outside of his own wealth and the development of Nestle, who has been caught funding attacks against GMO labeling, can be witnessed when watching and listening to his talk on the issue. This is a company that actually goes into struggling rural areas and extracts the groundwater for their bottled water products, completely destroying the water supply of the area without any compensation.

In fact, they actually make rural areas in the United States foot the bill. As reported on by Corporate Watch, Nestle and former CEO Peter Brabeck-Letmathe have a long history of disregarding public health and abusing the environment to take part in the profit of an astounding $35 billion in annual profit from water bottle sales alone. The report states:
“Nestlé production of mineral water involves the abuse of vulnerable water resources. In the Serra da Mantiqueira region of Brazil, home to the “circuit of waters” park whose groundwater has a high mineral content and medicinal properties, over-pumping has resulted in depletion and long-term damage.”
Nestle has also come under fire over the assertion that they are actually conducting business with massive slavery rings. Another Corporate Watch entry details:
“In 2001, Nestlé faced criticism for buying cocoa from the Ivory Coast and Ghana, which may have been produced using child slaves.[58] According to an investigative report by the BBC, hundreds of thousands of children in Mali, Burkina Faso and Togo were being purchased from their destitute parents and shipped to the Ivory Coast, to be sold as slaves to cocoa farms.”
So is water a human right, or should it be owned by big corporations?

Well, if water is not here for all of us, then perhaps air should be owned by major corporations as well.

And as for crops, Monsanto is already working hard to make sure their monopoly on our staple crops and beyond is well situated. It should really come as no surprise that this Nestle Chairman fights to keep Monsanto’s GMOs alive and well in the food supply, as his ideology lines right up with that of Monsanto.

Source: Natural Society



  1. Actually I'm not surprised. Next, they'll copyright air. Pay up, or suffocate

  2. We should shoot all of these bastards. they can't imprison all of us!!!

    1. Yes! We should.
      Was the oceans, lakes and underground water created by their bloody ancesters! Idiots!

    2. Love your idea!

  3. I already have to pay a water bill every month. My water has never been free.

    1. This is exactly what I was thinking as I read the article. Everyone is already paying for water now.

    2. You don't pay for the water itself. You pay for getting clean water delivered to you residence. If you want free water go down to the lake or river and bucket ityourself

    3. Read your bill, you pay for the pipes and the delivery as well as the amount of water that you have used. So you do pay for the water itself.

    4. That's pretty retarded. You pay for the pipes and delivery, yes. The amount of water you use increases the bill because of the fact that the maintenance of the pipes, the substation, the filtration has to be recouped. If you use more water, you cause more wear and tear.

      If you want free water, set up a well in your back garden, go to a river or a lake. No one is going to arrest you for stealing water. You might have to filter/distill it yourself and that can take some time, but by all means. Go for it.

    5. In Colorado we are not even allowed to gather rain water, because someone has the rights to it.

    6. Actually, I have a well, but I heard with water charges coming to Ireland, they might try to make me pay. I'll refuse of course...

  4. Who said that water is not a human right ? Nestle ? The earth belongs to all of us, so they should just be ashamed to be so stupid and greedy.

  5. ....i can say that the threat is REAL....we are kind and followers as species...we keep following whatever the big corporations dictate ...its a matter of time.....the harmony has been broken....WAKE UP YOU SLAVE...BE THE WORLD, THAT YOU DREAM OF...don´t wait 4 your might be 2 late..

  6. Como se atreve a sacar la cara y decir eso, pero mas que todo como permiten que esto demonios se salgan con la suya, a estos hay que pararlos ya.

  7. Well, here is a novel idea. Stop purchasing anything to do with Nestle and Monsanto. Then we shall see how long we outlast and put to shame to ones who consider themselves the "big league".

  8. Want to know how? Go to Check it out.

  9. Monsanto, Nestle, and the rest of these of these greedy bastards must go down! I will NOT purchase products that have anything to do with these companies. Let's hurt their bottom line! That's the only way.

  10. How do they plan to make those of us with wells pay for our water?

    1. Poison the supplies of water worldwide and force us to buy clean water from them. So scary.

  11. @ anonymous. They will make you pay for your well water alright. They will set up camp upstream from you and intercept the water until your well runs dry. THEN you'll be forced to buy the water from somewhere. Corporate greed is atrocious.

  12. To those who are commenting that you pay for water: What you actually pay for is the priviledge of having access to water that is brought to you by the use of treatment plants and installation of waterlines so that you have access to that water. Also for the labor that goes into making that possible. No man or corporation should ever have control of any natural resource and that includes water. I have a well and do not pay for that type of water but I do have to pay electric to run the pump that makes the well functional. People need to wake up before all they have to look forward to is dying a miserable death because of this kind of crap!

  13. I don't know if water is a "human right", but it's certainly NOT corporate property.

  14. Nestle bought Gerber baby food for their water rights.

  15. Stop buying bottled water period. Nestle is not the only conpany that is causing permanent damage by over pumping.

  16. Water is a basic human NEED we cant survive without. This man is a sociopath,all he is worried about is the bottom line, not people. Most people do pay a water bill. I say boycott Nestle and any company affiliated. Disgusting!

  17. I used to lay on my family's property drinking water from a freshwater spring that my great uncle had run down a pipe from a sluice box up on top of the mountain all the way down to the flat area where we camped. It was cold and sweet and delicious. God's at the window, he sees what you're doing, you will pay if you try to take over and own it sucker... watch your back.

    1. Agreed. The most powerful physical force on the planet is the hydrological cycle...whatever consciousness inheres, is connected with all the waterstorms, tornadoes, hurricanes, cyclones...and of course all the oceans.

  18. ARE YOU INSANE $$$$ eating bastards

  19. How can you steal a product the planet made itselve just for earning money :(

    ow ow ow the world has gone mad officially

  20. I agree he was talking about making water a commodity. He was not talking about withholding it from the poor. That's not his job. One has to think out the consequences of making water a commodity. What do we know of commodities? They are traded. People bet on them. They can be withheld. And the price can be run up. So even though that's not his thought, he is not thinking about the ethical considerations of commodifying all of water (there is already a market for water).

  21. no Tank Girl reference?

  22. That idea is good enough to burn in hell along with the foolish man who thought of it, ask him how good of an idea it is when he is burning in hell sucking Satans cock, he is old it won't be much longer for his time to shine in hell.

  23. It's not ever going to happen anyway, that old man is just full of him self.

  24. I know its been said.. but, What a Cunt!

  25. Die a slow painful death u piece of shit

  26. It was here before you arrived on this planet, and it will be here when you're gone. THAT WATER BELONGS TO THE ENTIRE PLANET....we just stay around for a short time and then we die. DON'T EVEN THINK ABOUT IT DUDE....guess who knows how to BOYCOTT? THE PEOPLE!

  27. how come these as-holes are still alive , how can they just thinks about money as yes is the right of every human been to get water free as mother earth supply , shame on you Mr Nestle and go to hell soon !!!!

  28. It is the extreme edge of capitalist logic made overt, and a painful death in the deserts of Libya is the only fitting sentence for creeps like this..

    but be aware - there are hundreds of others, plotting to use humanity as slaves on their ant farm. The Spartacus revolt may be needed yet again...

  29. For a better future? This is unbelievable, this company has a giant turnover and barely employs 250.000 people, has anyone ever thought about the percentage of the income that goes to its employees? The cut is basically nothing from the profit. This argument is pure propaganda. There are cheap and better ways to sustain a future in which people are not being enslaved by organizations. I urge everyone to watch the THRIVE documentary, I am sure there are tons of copies on youtube. Privatization of water is ridiculous. What's next? Enhanced water? Why not enhance it with more neurotoins like fluoride? I mean, when is this shit going to stop? Talking about us bringing balance to nature. That is the shittiest thing I have ever heard. All we have done is take nature's balance and this is just the next step to making it worse. Capitalism is not working any more. We need a completely new approach and I doubt that it lies within the hands of giant corporations. I am sorry, but I am not buying it. I am now coming out of university with a £10 000 debt due to student loans. It's difficult enough already, competition is high as hell, jobs are scarce, corporations are hunting for money and the last thing they care about is people. With a fraction of their turnover, they could sort out water in africa for everybody for ever. Filtering technologies are becoming better and cheaper. Stop privatizing natural resources and get more innovative with how you want to make your money. You should focus on finding viable solutions, not ridiculous humbuk. He can't even articulate properly in german, how am I going to trust such an outdated old fart? You want to know how you can get the planet to run cost effectively and efficiently? Take a look at what TESSLA did back in the days and maybe it will ring a bell. I am sick of all of this absolute nonsense. Why don't you step out and finance someone who would build some free energy generators? It's pretty creepy how there are so many now on youtube and the web in general, how much longer will governments supress the real solutions in order to keep the people in the dark? Fuck this guy and fuck what he says. It is time for the people to take measures against these guys. Voting on laws by lobbying, without people's consent? There is something very fishy about how "DEMOCRACY" works, if you ask me. If you dont know what lobbying is, I suggest you check it out. It's time for the real minds of this planet to come together and replace old farts like this one. Excuse my language but I am very upset. I am sick of hearing news like this one.

  30. George Bush's Daugheter OWN's some Countrys water right's!~

    1. which daughter? where? give specifics? price your claim.

    2. sorry...PROVE your claim

  31. We all belong to the Earth. Don't mess with Mother Nature, she can end your stupid game in a hurry.

  32. I pay for my water, this pompus asshole can go to hell in his expensive hand bag.


  34. haha this guy is bananas. think he's forgetting that your population needs to be comfortable and happy in order to maintain stability

  35. raising the bar for global multi corporates

  36. I don't get this, how is water a human right ayway? When we needed water on the farm we had to hire someone to come and drill us a well. He didn't say "Oh you need water? That's a human right, I'll drill it for free." Nor would I ever expect him to say that. We also had to buy the pump, and have to pay for the power to operate the pump. None of that was for free.

    How is water any different than food? Food isn't a human right because it takes work, to grow it, to get it to you, etc. The people doing that work need to be compensated. The same as those who do the work to get the water to you need to be compensated (in my case: the driller, the pump manufacturer, and the power company). Am I missing something here?

  37. All you you liberal fucktards are the same ones saying health care is a basic human right and should be free. Lets not forget that the pipes bringing water to your house didn't lay themselves there

    1. Another cunt...

    2. only cunts i see are liberal ones... Conservative ones have less people entering them, more hygenic :)... People's reactions are way overblown, but that is just liberals for you. They don't stop to think, ok lets run with this idea. Its just plain emotional, non logical reaction. Typical idiots

  38. Now in the 13th year of the 3rd millennia,

    you wouldn't have to pay someone to dig a hole in your yard and lay piping if you got off your asses and built your own shit, innovated your own shit.
    I don't mean to be rude.
    If we all actually worked together ( Did not do things with the Capitalism on our minds every step of the way) we wouldn't have to seek such inconvenient independences.

    Step 1. Go to school

    Step 2. Study science, mathematics, mechanics, engineering and agriculture

    Step 3. Create/innovate a system that stores electricity.

    Step 4. Find a place to live, preferably with a low natural disaster rate.

    Step 5. Buy or trade for acres in that area.

    Step 6. Erect a home. fucking 4 walls and ceiling (I know more goes into it isn't hard, then again if you have never put a wall up in your life I could see how your ignorance would persuade you to think it was difficult)

    You now have a home, knowledge on gardening/micro-gardening so there's your food.
    You have an ability to store electricity.

    What about everything else? Plumming, electric wiring, heating, air con, etc?
    Well that is a simple. Want the real answer or the metaphorical one?
    The metaphorical answer is that "Rome was not built in a day"
    The real answer is much more simple. You went to school, studied all the above.

    That probably came across a bit harsh, reality usually is.
    I pose a question all connected to this article.
    How does one change the perspective of an entire species without shitting in a few beds . :)

  39. Excuse me, but this guy is to stupid to be a CEO!!

  40. This is when capitalism becomes more dangerous than communism. Both are monsters with only a few (privileged) benefiting from the system. Frightening! Strangely enough, I only had to read the headlines when I sensed that this man would be just another Monsanto clone. I wonder if these people (and I use the term loosely as monsters would be more appropriate) are already the results of genetically modified humans! Bred only to be able to espouse and implement these ridiculous ideas that could affect all of humankind.

    In my simple view, I believe, control the worlds food supply (Monsanto) and now the worlds water supply (Nestle) then you would have complete control of the world. What could be easier? The pox on those governments that allow this to happen in their countries. I for one will from now on boycott every Nestle product on the market and call on the like minded to do the same!

  41. This cancerbag should be shot on sight


  43. If anyone reading knows this guy, tell him I said "SUCK MY DICK"

  44. One more why the powerful are trying to control the world! They are out of control and the government is in their pocket. They need to be jailed for endangerment to human life!

  45. Justifying, justifying, justifying why do we always try to justify the unjustifiable? We already pay for fishing, and boating are we going to start paying for swimming? We already pay for water into homes are we going to start paying for the pleasure of every since drop of water on our country? Where do we draw the line? If we keep justifying their behavior they will continue to get away with everything we have. We can't let them do that. Are we that lazy to and ignorance to believe they mean us well? When in the last few years they have been destroying everything they touch. The economy is the way is because of their greed! We can't keep justifying their behavior!

  46. He hasn't been CEO of Nestle for 5 years. He was forced to step down because of his extreme views. No corporation is perfect.

  47. And we have our first Nestle troll.

  48. Things that make you go Hmmm... Nestle's controlled water brands throughout the world:

  49. Since many scientists believe that water orginated in outer space Nestle can start their collection there, and remain there until they have collected it all from every galaxy in the cosmos. That should take awhile and drain their wallets in the process.

  50. Sounds like a good plot for the next robocop movie!

  51. What a twatface!!!

    1. Boycott till u resign
      It is my right to exercise self defense, defense of others and fk u up. Ya I said it.
      I will pray that god forgives u
      we demand and expect to see ur resignation immediately.
      Apologize publicly and go away

  52. I wish this CEO guy & his family is devoured by the Tsunami & he will remember his words when he'll meet his death.


  54. Keine Leute...Yup that's what will eventually happen....!!!!
    Ok, Some of the things he says may ring true, but at the end , his objective in just PROFIT...NO matter what they tell you.. the ultimate objective is ALWAYS profit!!! It is sad and depressing... but we have to get used to it, or get rid of them ( and that's a life mission!). NO big corporate company will ever have any other interest than profit or power! And if they seem to endorse something's to get your money!
    And ... BTW, ANONYMOUS, supporting Nestle, ....why don't you grow a spine?



    Just to prove to you that this is JUST LIP SERVICE.. Have a laugh at their 10 business principles;
    Point number 4 HUMAN RIGHTS AND POINT 10 Water;
    Human rights in our business activities
    We fully support the United Nations Global Compact’s (UNGC) guiding principles on human rights and labour and aim to provide an example of good human rights and
    labour practices throughout our business activities.

    We are committed to the sustainable use of water and continuous improvement
    in water management. We recognise that the world faces a growing water challenge
    and that responsible management of the world’s resources by all water users
    is an absolute necessity.


    We recognise the right of all people to have access to clean water to meet their
    basic needs. Please see Every Drop Counts at

    Peter Brabeck-Letmathe
    Chairman of the Board

    If you want them to hear you then you have to speak the ONLY language these Satans understand, the bottom line, MONEY, hit them where it hurts. Watch his video and then read their principles that he signed and you will realise that he like all the other animals are trying to deceive you!

  57. You would have to work for many other corporations and THEN work for nestle to fully understand this message. And FYI, Nestle pays dearly for these water rights which means someone besides this corporation already owned these rights. Wouldn't that mean that water resources are already privatized to some degree. With regards to water harvesting/rain collection being illegal; the context to which these laws apply do not exist in this thread. Youre free to collect rain water and many corporations sell equipment to do exactly that along with equipment to properly treat the water for consumption.
    There are a ton of horrible corporations out there and they have earned their reputations. IMO Nestle is a teddy bear in comparison. Someone will always disagree...

  58. I don't think the problem is a corporation thinking they have rights to the earth. The earth doesn't belong to all of us. It doesn't belong to any of us.

  59. For the longest time I wouldn't even buy Nestle. Their stance was already established in the 70s when they introduced baby formula to underdeveloped countries. Their ads convinced young mothers formula was healthier that their own milk. The lack of potable water was addressed by critics. Nestle employed slick talking lawyers to claim it wasn't their responsibility. I made a speech about this when I was in college in 1980.

  60. What are u thinking Satan (Nestle)? I believe we should boycott from buying products of the company. besides, we should also pressurize authorities to ban importation of the company's product. Go to hell Nestle? i was long time user of its product but from now on...... a Single has the power to bring change and u will feel the difference in the near future.

  61. It is interesting that the video is blocked in Germany due to copyright laws... It is becoming really hard to distinguish between censorship and copyright protection nowadays.

  62. This is typical of corporate fat cats, after a hard recession where the rich get richer and have a foothold on everyone and smaller companies went out of business. Large companies get greedy and want to own the water. I suppose everyone has a price, I guess nestle will be buying out water companies next, then to rub it in make everyone pay tax on top.

  63. Someone take his money away and tell him he has to pay for water and see how quick his views change


  65. I live in the great state of Texas. I've got me a water well that costs about 3-5 grand to have put in everyone in my home town uses a well there ain't no such thing as city water I pay for the electricity to run the well that's it the water tastes alot better then city water anyhow...that Guy is a fucking retard if he thunks he has Tue right to own water there is no way I'm gonna pay to drink water y'al shouldn't worry about it #yolo

  66. There is a real problem with companies that bottle water and sell it at high prices. Of course we have to pay for purification and transportation but these companies take a natural resource and ship it out of the area for profit. If they don't pay for the water, but deplete or damage a community's natural resources then they are stealing. Many of our aquifers are being depleted by these companies and it's a long term problem we need to face, never mind all of the plastic bottles in our landfills.

    On another note, do not believe anything Monsanto says about GMOs. My husband was in Viet Nam and Monsanto and Dupont said that Agent Orange was safe. 40 years later he has multiple myeloma. Some toxicities take years to show up as a disease.

  67. When will people wake up and realise that, it's the people that determine off a business exists!

    We control the power but, we, as a whole don't use it!

    Do you want to show Nestle that you disapprove of their business ethics?

    It's really easy! STOP buying all their products! Pass on the message, Facebook the message etc. If a large majority of people cease to buy their products then, they cease to exist!

    The consumer holds all the power but are to lazy or stupid to use it!

    Prices are high for many products and necessities. Why? Because you tell them "it's ok to rip me off" by buying their product that you're whining about the price or quality.

    Stop being a sheep and regain control of your own life!
    Basic essentials like food and water should always be available to everyone, full stop! Everything else is luxury.

  68. Solution Time:
    o Limit Corp life & tax for older age, size (county, state-wide, inter-state, country, international). When XYZ reaches said age - they Divest. If they want to start up an XYZ II, then the investors & employee's can; but it must be in the originating country & city they started from.
    o Set Up Generation Law: Citizen & Communities have the right to Clean Water, Clean Air, Clean Earth and Clean Fire/Energy -- in every town, city, county. No corporation can own any natural resource.
    o Set UP Gold Rule Rules & Laws: any corp or persons of said corp polluting, contaminating or promoting/producing harmful risks to the community & environment, will have 100% corp/100% properties seized and used to Cleanup said problem and forced to move and live on the land they've contaminated till the 7th generation.
    o A Good Tar & Feathering, put on a split rail and marched out of town is always an alternative ...followed by shunning the Greedy, Crony Capitalists - Nazi's.

  69. A simple thing to do. STOP BUYING NESTLE PRODUCTS, which I am going to do. If the whole world does that, then we will see what the CEO says next.

  70. I am a hardcore water junky and I don't listen to reasonable arguments, so take your internet link somewhere else, you are killing our fanatic ignorance vibe we got goin on.

  71. What happens when it rains then? Who capitalises on that? I guess money will fall from the sky. This guy is pathetic and sooner or later these very words will haunt him.



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Thinking Humanity: Nestle CEO: Water Is Not A Human Right, Should Be Privatized
Nestle CEO: Water Is Not A Human Right, Should Be Privatized
Is water a free and basic human right, or should all the water on the planet belong to major corporations and be treated as a product? Should the poor who cannot afford to pay these said corporations suffer from starvation due to their lack of financial wealth? According to the former CEO and now Chairman of the largest food product manufacturer in the world, corporations should own every drop of water on the planet — and you’re not getting any unless you pay up.,+Should+Be+Privatized.jpg,+Should+Be+Privatized.jpg
Thinking Humanity
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