This little doggo can't stop hugging those caring for him, and it is absolutely adorable! Toro, who is a Pitbull-mix lives currently at the Town of Hempstead Animal Shelter in the United States, where he is being cared for by staff until he finds a new home.
Unfortunately, this is proving difficult as he has already been there for over a year and was rejected by a family who had him for a week because he wasn't a good fit. However, he is perhaps one of the friendliest dogs you will ever meet and gives hugs to all the staff.
Melissa Fogarty, who works at the shelter, told The Dodo:
"When he first came in, he was very nervous and shut down. He's become more comfortable with people he's used to, but is still a bit nervous in the shelter setting. I was probably one of the first people to take him out for an actual socialized walk when he came in. The hugging happened probably within 15 minutes of having him out loose in our side play yard. He just kind of crawled up to me, climbed on my lap, and pressed himself against my chest … from there it grew and now he hugs all his friends here."
He is now giving hugs to Fogarty and everyone else, even acting like a little baby, even though he is middle aged. Fogarty added:
"Every time he comes out of the kennel, his first reaction is to hug the person walking him, and anyone, really, he comes in contact with."
What he really needs now is a home with people that can spend time with him and look after him for the rest of his life. Stating why he has yet to be adopted, Fogarty said:
"I honestly think he hasn't been adopted because he's a middle-aged pit mix living in a high-intake municipal shelter. He gets lost in this sea of dogs that don't show well in their kennels."
Everyone in the shelter is really hoping this handsome boy will find a home soon.