Saggy skin, stretch marks, and a jiggly belly — that’s the real woman’s postpartum body does not look as poetic as they may describe it in books. In reality, their bodies represent the fantastic act of bringing new life into this world. All of these difficulties and pain do not matter anymore, when they see the face of their newborn.
However, society tends to be very cruel against women and their bodies. Imagine how tough this must be for new moms, who often feel like they have to follow the stereotypical standards of the "perfect" body, even though all they want to do is have some time for themselves and their baby.
So what could be done to fight these stereotypes that want women to look like models, even after pregnancy? Raise awareness, of course. And what better way to achieve this than sharing some realistic postpartum pictures that reveal how women's bodies actually look like after they give birth?
We admire moms for their dedication to their children. We feel the urge to share their pictures with you, that they fearlessly and proudly shared with the world, of how their bodies looked after giving birth!

🌾 kerstin • lovenik 🌾 (@kaykay_lovenik) on
Labor, Loved. (@laborloved) on
Miszkulancja Blog (@miszkulancjablog) on
Syd Stoik (@mountain.mama.syd) on
𝐞 𝐥 𝐥 𝐢 𝐚 𝐧 𝐚 𝐚 𝐥 𝐥 𝐨 𝐧 (@elliana_allon) on
Stephanie Rothstein Bruce (@stephrothstein) on
Amber Nicole Hampton (@acrazybeautifullife) on
Meg Boggs (@meg.boggs) on
Desiree Fortin (@theperfectmom) on
Experince A Total Body Healing (@flawless_waist) on
k e i l y n (@kc.mone) on
Danielle (@operation_fitmama) on
Jasmin Steiner (@marriedmomandmantras) on
Joanna | Kokosowa (@kokosowamama) on
Alex (@whenalexsmiles) on
Meg Boggs (@meg.boggs) on