To paraphrase Aristotle, human beings can achieve happiness by perfecting our natures. That means embracing and refining who we truly are inside. It sounds like a great piece of advice for every living thing, not onlyt people. However, one adorably silly horse is too busy horsing around and apparently forgot to go to its Philosophy 101 classes.
This dramatic horse named Jingang has greater ambitions than being a mere steed. It does not seem to appreciate being ridden by others as a horse should. Instead, it goes out of its way to avoid doing its job. Jingang, the horse, pretends to be ‘dead’ in an overly-theatrical way. It’s silly. It is funny. And it is proof that some animals would prefer to laze about rather than earn their carrots like we humans do — by the sweat of our brows.
Image credits: Frasisco Zalasar

Kritter Klub (@kritter_klub) on
People thought the horse was quite clever: