Not every hero wears capes; obviously, some of them come dressed in a plumber’s clothes. A plumber from Burnley, Lancashire called James Anderson has recently gained well-deserved recognition for his kind deed. After one of his clients’ daughter shared an invoice that she received, this man went viral for waiving the fee of a 91-year-old woman who suffers from terminal cancer.
Anderson, the 52-year-old father of five and grandfather of three, was called to fix Christine Anne Rowlands’ mother’s boiler. After the work was done, the 91-year-old asked how much she was supposed to pay and was promised an invoice. When it was emailed to her, Rowlands was surprised by the total of the invoice which was £0.
The reason behind Anderson’s politeness was that Rowlands’ mom has terminal cancer, so rather than billing the family £480, the plumber waived the fee.
This kind act isn’t an isolated event; in fact, it’s part of a greater initiative.
Back in 2017, Anderson established a non-profit called Depher CIC whose purpose was to carry out free plumbing services to people who are often left forgotten – mostly seniors and disabled customers.
Since the initiative was brought to life, it’s helped more than 2,000 people in need.
The admirable work James Anderson does can be hardly ignored. After the invoice went viral, people worldwide praised him for the way he serves his community. If you want to help Anderson keep up his heroic work, click here.
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