Though the “after-the-honeymoon” phase of a relationship has nothing to do with what’s depicted in romantic books and movies, getting to know your partner’s sense of humor and quirks is an unbeatable experience. All because love hides in small things like in trying to get you out of bed with the help of potato chips or in leaving pasta messages on the dining room table.
We're totally into love and today we’d like to take a peek into things happening behind the doors of each couple.
First date vs two years together

When you desperately want a country style breakfast and your wife is there for you:

You can’t be alone even in the bathroom when in a relationship.

Love is when you can write a creative message with the help of a plant.

“My wife really likes it when I do housework so I sent her these pictures while she was at work.”

When you realize there are certain places at home she can’t reach:

Marriage is all about sharing.

Wait until she comes back home.
Just got to tennis. Boyfriend has taken my racket out and put a frying pan in instead. I'm not even joking. pic.twitter.com/HD8YOAqfJ2
— Heidi Stephens (@heidistephens) July 29, 2016
When you don’t want to carve pumpkins:

When you know what you’re worth:

“I’ve been feeling dubious ever since my wife informed me this fork was for the crab.”

A rubber rat surprise for the husband:
Summer S (@summer.sando) on
A pasta message

There is nothing that’s “yours” in a relationship, it’s all “ours”.
Judy Blomquist (@judithprietht) on
When you ask him to put pillowcases on the pillows:

When there’s a whirlwind of words inside you:

A creative approach makes married life even funnier.

When your wife decides to prank you:
Alex Kurtagic (@alexkurtagic) on
I heard a scream and “I hate you!” from the bathroom.
landon d. mise (@landondmise) on
“My girlfriend tried to entice me to get out of bed. I’m ashamed to say it worked.”

© u/AberrantConductor / reddit
When your wife asks you where you are:

Preview photo credit LeyMarie / imgur