Photographer Christian Vieler specializes in awesome moments of the purest joy – capturing pups trying to snaffle treats out of mid-air. Their expressions are those of unbridled happiness (anybody who owns a dog knows that treats are life for them), focused concentration, and panicked anticipation.
The shots depict the unique personalities of every dog, as we can read the emotions etched over their wonderfully dopey faces. Vieler has been capturing dogs' reactions since 2013, and has today collected them all in a book called Treat!
Vieler's Facebook and Instagram accounts are incredibly popular, as people eagerly await his next batch of funny photos. With the adorable models quite happy to keep posing as long as they get their treats, it seems that everybody is a winner from this project! Scroll down for your dose of doggy delights and let us know what you think in the comments!
More info: Website | Instagram | Facebook