People love kittens because they're little and fluffy - but what is hiding underneath all that fur? This charming collection of hairless Sphynx kittens proves that those creatures can be just as cute without a luxurious mane.
Despite its lack of a winter coat, the Sphynx breed comes from the great white north of Canada. In the mid-1960s, a cat in Ontario gave birth to a hairless kitten, as the result of a natural genetic mutation. Following that anomaly was the birth of two separate sets of hairless kittens in the mid-1970s in Toronto and Minnesota. Through careful breeding, the Sphynx cat evolved into the extraordinary animal it is today. Sphynxs come in a range of colors and patterns and are technically not as "naked" as they look like. If you look close enough, you will see they are covered with a thin layer of fuzz.
Common misconceptions like the "hairless" myth can lead to people buying the breed without realizing how much maintenance they require. Their sleek bodies might mean less shedding, but that does not mean less grooming. Owners of Sphynxes have to be prepared to wash their pets once a week and wipe down their bodies with a washcloth regularly, as their skin attracts pollen, dust particles, and dirt along with dead skin. With no protective coat, they're also susceptible to sunburns, overheating and getting too cold. It's essential to do your research before investing in one of those exotic cats. Scroll down to check out some photos of this majestic feline breed!