Grief is one of the most difficult things in the world. Losing a loved one is one among the most challenging experiences you’ll have to endure in your life, there's just no avoiding the heartache and intense feelings of emptiness. Nevertheless, by learning to understand grief, you can gradually help yourself come to terms with it and let your life move on. To help people make sense of their emotions during this troubling time, Twitter user Lauren Herschel posted an analogy she learned from her doctor.
Lauren found the analogy, recommended to her by her doctor to help her cope with the loss of her mother. It is beneficial in understanding why grief never really goes away.
Lauren’s thread was shared about 5000 times as people related to the simple and useful metaphor. As a society, we still find it too hard to talk about death and grief, as they provoke feelings that aren't easy to articulate. The conversation that Lauren has started might go some way toward helping people to open up about their feelings, become more comfortable with the burden of their grief and feel no pressure to “get over it,” as some may thoughtlessly suggest.
Image credits: LaurenHerschel

People thanked her for sharing this analogy: