No matter how awake a man is, surely there are physical experiences women deal with, that even the most empathetic (cis) men will never really understand – giving birth and periods. Certainly, there are guys out there who have taken on labor simulator challenges to feel what childbirth is like as well as others that have tried ‘menstruation machines’ but nothing compares to the real experience, or so we thought.
Periods are obviously small potatoes to other forms of bleeding – for instance, a skinned knee. A guy took to Twitter to not only imply that women overreact about cramps, but also that when it came to pain nothing quite compares to scrapping your knee during a game. Well, in that case, can you imagine being a female athlete? In response to this ludicrous statement, women across the internet did not hesitate to put him in his place.
Nameless Twitter user @_sargee tweeted out a photograph recently of a soccer player in the process of falling and scraping their knees

With a caption which mansplained how women needed to stop complaining about their period pains until they had experienced this kind of pain.

And he got destroyed in the comments by women everywhere:

Period pain can result in more than only irritating cramps. Lots of women suffer from dysmenorrhea, that results in debilitating periods. Symptoms of this include intense cramping, back pain, headaches, nausea, and diarrhea. Cramps are caused by too many prostaglandins, a chemical produced by the uterus which causes the muscles to tighten and relax.